General Physiology

  1. Components of cell
  2. Types of active transport with example
  3. What is meant by active transport and passive transport across the cell membrane? Give one example for each?
  4. Example of +ve and-ve feedback mechanism

Blood and Body Fluids

  1. Which are the sites of erythropoiesis in an infant and adult? Which are the different stages of erythropoiesis? List the various changes occurring at different stages of erythropoiesis?
  2. Discuss in detail physiology of clotting?
  3. Write a note on mechanism of coagulation of blood? Add a note on anti-coagulants?
  4. Define blood coagulation? Describe the intrinsic mechanism of blood coagulation
  5. Mention the clotting factors in proper order? Explain the intrinsic mechanism of blood clotting? Add a note on haemophilia?

Short essays

  1. Define erythrocyte sedimentation rate? Write its significance?
  2. Factors for erythropoiesis
  3.  Normal platelets counts and function
  4.  Significance of ESR
  5.  And normal values for male and female
  6. Function of lymphocytes
  7.  Define homeostasis explain with example
  8.  Give the normal concentration of fibrinogen in blood and role played by it
  9.  Composition origin circulation  function of lymph
  10.  List two features of RBC in iron deficiency anemia
  11.  What meant by aplastic anemia
  12.  List effects of anemia
  13.  Hemophilia
  14.  Define Landsteiner law
  15.  Mention the antigen present in ABO and Rh blood group
  16. Agranulocytes
  17. Cross matching and their types
  18. Lysosome
  19. Classify white blood corpuscles and state their functions briefly
  20. classify wbc
  21. Classify and name the different leukocytes? Give two physiological variation in their number?
  22. Classify leukocytes and describe their function
  23. Give the normal percent of lymphocytes in differential leukocyte count? Explain the role of lymphocytes in immunity?
  24. What is the normal percentage of neutrophils in differential count? Discuss its function
  25. Name the three chief plasma proteins?give function of each?
  26. Name the plasma proteins and describe their functions?
  27. Mention the sites of red blood corpuscles (RBC) formation in infants and adults? Explain the role of hypoxia on RBC formation?
  28. What is erythropoiesis? Describe the stages and regulation of erythropoiesis?
  29. Write briefly on the factors required (regulating)for erythropoiesis?
  30. Explain the fate of haemoglobin after haemolysis?
  31. What are the function of lymphocytes
  32. What is normal platelet (thrombocyte)count ?explain their function
  33. Explain the physiology of clotting
  34. Intrinsic pathway of clotting
  35. Discuss the agglutinogens and agglutinins present in the OAB and Rh blood group systems
  36. Rh incompatibility
  37. Give a brief account of erythroblastosis fetalis
  38. Name the blood groups What are effects of mismatched blood transfusion?
  39. Blood transfusion and complications
  40. Describe the measurement of blood volume
  41. Composition, circulation and functions of lymph
  42. Mention the various blood groups systems and the basis of the classification
  43. Blood groups
  44. Describe the ABO blood groups what is Rh factor?
  45. ABO blood group system
  46. In a tabular column indicate the agglutinogen and agglutinin in each of the blood groups of ABO and Rh system of blood

Short Answers

  1. Four functions of plasma proteins
  2. State the various stages in the development of red blood corpuscles
  3. What are the structural and functional differences between adult and fetal haemoglobin?
  4. Mention the different types of haemoglobin and its functional difference
  5. Fate of haemoglobin
  6. Classify anemia,Give examples
  7.  Mention any four types of anaemia
  8. List the effects of anaemia
  9. What is meant by aplastic anaemia?
  10. Lymphocytes
  11. Functions of platelets
  12. Name the clotting factors
  13. Anticoagulants
  14. Mention two tests done in persons with haemorrhagic disorder


Short Essays

  1. Compare refractory period in skeletal and cardiac muscle
  2. Describe the mechanism of muscle contraction
  3. Describe excitation contraction coupling
  4. Describe the neuromuscular junction(NMJ)with help of a
  5. diagram and explain mechanism of transmission of nerve
  6. impulse across NMJ
  7. explain action potential and draw a neat labelled diagram aswell
  8. Describe in deatil about the ionic basic of action potential

Short Answers

  1. Name the types of muscle fibers Write briefly on sarcomere
  2. Sarcomere
  3. What is isometric and isotonic contraction?
  4. Events of NMJ
  5. Properties of skeletal muscle
  6. draw a neat labelled structure of sarcomere
  7. draw a neat labelled diagram of NMJ
  8. difference between skeletal and smooth muscle
  9. Define Sterling’s law of muscle contraction
  10. Mention the neurotransmitter that is secreted at the
  11. neuromuscular junction and what is Myasthenia gravis
  12. Myasthenia gravis


Long Essays

  1. Describe the components and functions of saliva Add a note on the regulation of salivary secretion
  2. Draw a labelled diagram of parasympathetic nerve supply to the salivary gland Describe regulation of salivary secretion in detail
  3. Discuss the composition,function and regulation of gastric juice

short essay

  1. what are the functions of bile juice
  2.        Phases of gastric juice secretion
  3.        Give the composition and function of pancreatic juce
  4.        List imp ingredients of bile juice and give their functions
  5.        Describe entero hepatic circulation of bile salts
  6.        Functions of liver
  7.        Functions of large intestine
  8.        Movement of stomach
  9. composition of pancreatic juice
  10.   Factors influencing gastric emptying
  11.   Defecation reflex with diagrams
  12.   Explain digestion and absorption of fats
  13.   What are the secretory product s of the oxyntic cells of the gastric glands
  14.  Name the gastro intestinal hormones acting on pancreas
  15.  What is the action of chole cystokinin and the stimulus for its secretion
  16. Draw and label gastric gland Explain how HCl formation occurs
  17. Describe the different phases of gastric secretion and their regulation
  18. Describe the composition,functions and regulation of secretion of pancreatic juice

Short Essays

  1. Give the composition and function of saliva
  2. Describe the regulation of salivary secretion
  3. Describe the composition,functions and mechanism of secretionof gastric juice
  4. Give the daily secretory rate of,gastric juice Name four important components in it giving their functions
  5. Phases of gastric juice secretion
  6. Describe the mechanism of secretion of HCl by the gastric mucosa
  7. List the stimulants of HCl secretion Give their mode of action    Give the composition and functions of pancreatic juice
  8. Name the bile salts and describe their functions
  9. Describe the functions of liver
  10. What are the functions of the large intestine?
  11. Describe the second stage of deglutition
  12. Give an account of the factors influencing gastric emptying
  13. Describe the small intestinal movements
  14. Defecation reflex with diagram
  15. Digestion and absorption of carbohydrates
  16. Describe the process of digestion of fat

Short Answers

  1. Functions of saliva
  2. Mention the enzymes of pancreatic juice
  3. normal regulation of serum calcium
  4. insulin secretion
  5. peptic ulcer
  6. Name any four gastrointestinal hormones
  7. Secretin
  8. Name two gastrointestinal hormones acting on pancreas
  9. Mention the proteolytic enzymes present in the pancreatic juice    List the endocrine and exocrine functions of pancreas
  10. Bile salts
  11. Bile pigments
  12. Functions of bile
  13. Action of insulin on carbohydrate and lipid metabolism
  14. Functions of liver
  15. What is meant by deglutition? Name the three stages involved      Gastric emptying time
  16. Movements of small intestine
  17. Peristalsis


Long Essays

  1. Draw and label the parts of nephron Explain the formation of urine,
  2. What is the normal body temperature and how it is regulated?

Short Essays

  1. Compare and contrast cortical and juxtamedullary nephrons
  2. Draw a neat diagram of structural and functional unit of the
  3.  Counter current mechanism operating in the kidney to produce hypertonic and hypotonic  urine
  4.  Draw labelled. Diagram electron microscopic diagram of glomerular membrane
  5.   Derive the value for effective filtration pressure in the glomerulus
  6.  Mention non excretory functions of kidney
  7. functions of loop of henle in nephron
  8. counter current multiplier
  9.   Normal value of urine excreted per day and role of ADH on the same
  10.  Function of distal convoluted tubule
  11.  Hormones acting on renal tubules
  12.  Pathological constituent of urine
  13.  Cystometrogram
  14.  Two types of sweat gland
  15.   Function of skin
  16.   Enumerate the heat gain mechanism occurring in the body when the body is exposed to cold environment
  17. Juxtaglomerular apparatus
  18. What is juxtaglomerular apparatus? Draw a neat labelled
  19. Diagram of it and label its part what are its functions?
  20. Explain the formation of urine
  21. What is GFR?Describe the factors influencing it
  22. Mechanism of urine concentration
  23. Glucose reabsorption in the kidneys in health and diabetes mellitus
  24. Describe nerve supply to urinary bladder Add a note on
  25. micturation reflex
  26. renal tubular function
  27. proximal convoluted tubule
  28. composition of urine
  29. Explain micturition reflex
  30. What are the physiological changes that occur when the body is exposed to low temperature

Short Answers

  1. State the normal and abnormal constituents of urine
  2. Enumerate the pathological constituents of urine
  3. Creatinine clearance
  4. Draw a labelled diagram of structure and functional unit of kidney    Juxtamedullary nephrons
  5. Name any two hormones acting on renal tubules
  6. Role of rennin in the regulation of blood pressure
  7. Give the volume of urine excreted per day Mention the three
  8. mechanisms involved in urine formation
  9. What is GFR?What is its normal value?
  10. Enumerate the factors affecting glomerular filtration rate
  11. Enumerate the heat gain mechanism occurring in the body
  12. when the body is exposed to cold environment


Long Essays

  1. Name the hormones of anterior pituitary gland
  2. affecting serum calcium level Describe the mechanism by which they regulate serum calcium level Add a note on tetany
  3. Name the hypoglycaemic hormone of the body Discuss its action, regulation of its secretion and features of deficiency of this hormone

short essay

  1. What are the actions and regulation of secretion of growth hormone
  2.   Name the hormones of anterior pituitary Describe the functions of growth hormone, List two features of Gigantism
  3. Name the hormones of thyroid gland State their functions,
  4. mechanism of release and the clinical condition resulting from hyposecretion in infants and children
  5. Describe the physiology of regulation of blood glucose level Add a note on the hormones involved in the process?
  6. Name the hormones released by the adrenal cortex Discuss the actions of cortisol How is its secretion regulated?
  7. Mention the hormones of the hormones of the adrenal cortex with its classification Describe the actions of glucocorticoids
  8. How is the secretion of zona glomerulosa regulated?

Short Essays

  1. Mention the hormones secreted by the anterior pituitary gland and the regulation of any one of them
  2. What are the functions of growth hormone?
  3. Hormones involved in calcium homeostasis
  4.  Action of insulin
  5.  Endocrine and exocrine function of pancreas
  6.  Action of insulin on carbohydrate metabolism
  7.  Hyperglycaemic hormones
  8.  Hormones produced by adrenal cortex
  9.  Function s of cortical hormones
  10. Name the posterior pituitary hormones and their actions
  11. Name the posterior pituitary hormones Explain actions of anyone of them
  12. With reference to antidiuretic hormone, give its site of action, functions and stimuli for its release
  13.        Function and regulation of growth hormone
  14.        Note on acromegaly
  15.        Physiological action of thyroxin  and briefly indicate effect of its deficiency in the adult
  16.        Hormones affecting serum calcium level mechanism by which they regulate serum calcium level
  17.        How is serum calcium level regulated in the body
  18.        Source of ADH
  19.        Mode of action of hormones
  20.  Difference between cretinism and dwarfism
  21. Mention the hormones secreted by the posterior pituitary gland What is meant neuroendocrine reflex?
  22. What is the source of antidiuretic hormone(ADH)?Explain the role of ADH in the regulation of body water
  23. Describe the formation and functions of oxytocin
  24. List the features of acromegaly and thyrotoxicosis
  25. Enumerate the actions of thyroxin
  26. Explain the regulation of secretions of thyroid hormones
  27. Myxoedema
  28. Explain about Thyrotoxicosis
  29. Explain the role of parathormone in regulation of blood calcium level
  30. Give the actions of insulin and adrenaline on blood sugar level    
  31. Name the hormones of adrenal cortex Mention their functions in brief
  32. Explain the actions of glucocorticoids
  33. osteoporosis
  34. hypertension
  35. What is clonus and tetanus

Short Answers

  1. Hormones produced by the posterior pituitary gland and one action of any one of them
  2. Antidiuretic hormone
  3. Diabetes insipidus
  4. Milk ejection reflex
  5. Acromegaly
  6. Mention the clinical features of acromegaly
  7. Mention the clinical features of dwarfism
  8. Name the hormones of thyroid gland
  9. Differences between cretinism and dwarfism
  10. Actions of parathormone
  11. Vitamin D
  12. Tetany
  13. Name the hormones regulating blood calcium level
  14. Name any four hormones that act on bone
  15. Mention any four actions of insulin
  16. Hormones produced by the adrenal cortex
  17. Name four functions of cortical hormones
  18. Mention the clinical features of Cushing’s syndrome
  19. What are the actions of adrenaline


Short Essays

  1. Functions of testes
  2. Give five functions of Sertoli cells
  3. Actions of testosterone
  4. Tests for ovulation
  5.  Contraception in females
  6.  Sertoli cells
  7. tubectomy and vasectomy
  8. menopause
  9.  Factors essential for spermatogenesis
  10.  Normal range of sperm count
  11.  What is sterility
  12.  Function of estrogen
  13.  Ovarian hormones and their imp actions
  14.  List   endometrial changes occurring during proliferative phase of menstrual cycle
  15.  Physiologic phases of pregnancy test
  16. Describe the actions of estrogen
  17. Describe menstrual cycle
  18. Describe the formation and functions of corpus luteum
  19. Name pregnancy test Explain the immunological test of pregnancy Oral contraceptives

Short Answers

  1. What are the advantages of condom as a contraceptive device?   Sertoli cells
  2. spermatogenesis
  3. Function of ovaries
  4. Name the functions of estrogen
  5. Ovarian hormones and their important actions
  6. Corpus luteum
  7. Ovulation
  8. Name the hormones in a normal menstrual cycle
  9. Mention three functions of placenta
  10. Human chorionic gonadotrophin
  11. Immunological test for pregnancy
  12. Tests for pregnancy
  13. List any four methods of contraception in females
  14. List two contraceptive methods in male Explain any one
  15. Discuss the composition and mode of action of the female
  16. contraceptive pill
  17. Explain mechanism of action of oral contraceptive pills
  18. What are the permanent family planning methods in males and females?


Long Essays

  1. Describe the origin and conduction of the cardiac impulse
  2. Define cardiac cycle Explain the mechanical changes during
  3. cardiac cycle with the help of a diagram
  4. Define blood pressure What is the normal blood pressure?
  5. Give normal values for systolic, diastolic and pulse pressures
  6. What are the factors that influence it? Explain short-term and Long-term mechanism of its regulation
  7. A Define blood pressure Describe the factors regulating blood pressure

Short Essays

  1. Properties of cardiac muscle
  2. List the properties of cardiac muscle Explain any one of them    Explain origin and spread of cardiac impulse
  3. Explain pacemaker
  4.  Compare refractory period in skeletal and cardiac muscle
  5.  Explain with the help of diagram
  6. Describe the conduction tissues of the heart How is cardiac impulse transmitted?
  7. State the events in cardiac cycle with duration
  8. What are heart sounds? How are they produced? Mention their clinical significance
  9. Describe the normal electrocardiogram(ECG)
  10. Draw and explain the waves of ECG
  11. Draw a well labelled normal ECG and mention the importance of PR interval
  12. Define cardiac output Explain any one method of measuring it      How is cardiac output measured using Fick’s principle?
  13. Regulation of cardiac output
  14. Enumerate any three factors influencing venous return to the heart Explain any one of them
  15. Define blood pressure(BP) What is normal systolic and diastolic blood pressure?
  16. Name the baroreceptors Where are they situated?
  17. Describe their mechanism of action
  18. Explain baroreceptor(Sinoaortic)mechanism
  19. Explain baroreceptor mechanism of regulation of blood pressure Pressure
  20. factors affecting venous return
  21.  Changes in ventricles during cardiac cycle
  22.  how is Cardiac output measured using ficks principle
  23.  Role of vagus on heart
  24.  Define and explain vagal tone
  25.  Where is apex beat located
  26.  Imp of recording ECG
  27.  Name the waves of ECG indicating which are positive waves
  28.  Factors that alter heart rate
  29.  Mareys law
  30. Junctional tissues of the heart

Short Answers

  1. Name the specialized conducting tissues of the heart
  2. Define cardiac cycle What is its normal duration?
  3. Intraventricular pressure curve
  4. What is the cause for the first and second heart sound?
  5. Draw a neat diagram of ECG and label it What is the
  6. importance of recording ECG
  7. Draw a labelled diagram of ECG
  8. P-R interval
  9. Define blood pressure  Give the normal values
  10. Define pulse pressure and mean arterial pressure
  11. Sinoaortic chemoreceptors
  12. H Baroreceptor reflex
  13. korotkoff sounds
  14. Axon reflex


       Long Essay

Mention the various respiratory centres and its locations

  1. Give an account of the nervous control of respiration

Short Essays

  1. Describe the mechanism of inspiration
  2. What is intrapleural pressure? Give its normal value What is its role in respiration?
  3. Write a note on different lung volumes and capacities with the help of a diagram
  4. Vital capacity and physiological variations
  5. Define and discuss vital capacity and apnea
  6. Vital capacity and timed vital capacity
  7. What is timed vital capacity? Mention the values and its
  8. variations
  9. What are the two types of dead space? How it is determined?   Oxygen dissociation curve
  10. Draw a normal oxygen-haemoglobin dissociation curve
  11. Explain Bohr’s effect
    1. Bohr’s effect
  12. How CO  is transported in the body?
  13. Lung compliance
  14. respiratory membrane
  15. Neural regulation of respiration
  16. Respiratory centre’s
  17. Name the respiratory centre’s Briefly describe their functions      Chemical regulation of respiration
  18. Chemoreceptors
  19. What are chemoreceptors? Where are they situated?
  20. How are they stimulated?
  21. Maximum voluntary ventilation
  22. Eupnea is voluntary or involuntary how is it brought about
  23. Give an account of respiratory chemoreceptors
  24. Mention the different types of hypoxia and explain with
  25. suitable examples
  1. Define Anatomical dead space give normal value
  2.  Effect of increasing anatomical dead space on alveolar ventilation and pulmonary ventilation
  3.  Shape of oxygen dissociation curve and significance and cause for such shape
  4. Artificial respiration
  5. Describe the physiological changes in artificial respiration

Short Answers

  1. Name the muscles of inspiration
  2. Surfactant
  3. What is surfactant? What is its function?
  4. Explain the role of surfactant
  5. Name the lung volumes and capacities
  6. Define tidal volume and give its value
  7. Define the following, giving their normal values:
  8. a Inspiratory reserve volume
  9. b Vital capacity
  10. Define vital capacity and give its normal value
  11. What is timed vital capacity? How is it expressed?
  12. What is the normal respiratory rate? How much is dead space volume?
  13. Mention the partial pressures of oxygen and carbon dioxide in
  14. arterial and venous blood
  15. Give the contents of oxygen in blood
  16. : Chloride shift
  17. What is Bohr’s effect?
  18. In what form carbon dioxide can be transported
  19. What is Haldane effect?
  20. List the types of hypoxia
  21. Cyanosis
  22. Effect of voluntary hyperventilation


Long Essay

  •   Describe the origin,course,termination and functions ofpyramidal tract

Short Essays

  1. Describe action potential in a nerve fiber
  2. Draw a diagram of action potential recorded from a nerve fibre and explain its ionic basis
  3.  What is saltatory conduction? Describe the classification of nerve fibers according to the rate of nerve conduction 
  4. Describe the properties of sensory receptors 
  5. Name the types of synapse  Explain any three properties of the synapse 
  6. Draw and label a simple reflex arc  Name four reflexes 
  7. Give the origin and termination of spinocerebellar tracts 
  8. Add a note On its functions 
  9.   Mention the names of ascending tracts What are the sensations carried by them? And where they will terminate?
  10.   Name the ascending tracts of the spinal cord  Trace the pain pathway 
  11. Pain pathway from face 
  12.  Name the descending tracts of the spinal cord  Trace the course of the corticospinal tract 
  13.  Differences between the upper motor neuron and lower motor
  14. neuron lesion 
  15.  Name the clinical differences between the upper motor lesion and
  16. lower motor neuron lesion 
  17.  Describe the pain pathway what is referred pain?
  18. Describe the frontal lobe and its function?
  19. List errors of refraction of the eye
  20. Types of neuron
  21. Functions of the tympanic membrane
  22. Rinne’s test
  23.   Referred pain 
  24.  Mention the functions of the hypothalamus and explain any two
  25. functions 
  26.  Enumerate the functions of the hypothalamus 
  27.   Draw a diagram showing Brodman’s cerebral cortical areas  Mention their respective functions 
  28.   What is a conditioned reflex? Explain with example 
  29.  Explain the formation, circulation, and functions of CSF 
  30.  What are the two divisions of the autonomic nervous system? Enumerate their actions on the heart 
  31. Structure of neuron with a diagram
  32.  Babinski sign
  33. Name the ascending tract & what is the sensation carried by them
  34.  Where will they terminate
  35.  Name the tract for the sensation of fine touch and its course and termination
  36. The descending tract of spinal cord
  37. Trace course. Of corticospinal tract
  38. Explain theories of referred pain
  39.  Draw diagram showing brodmans cerebral cortical areas and mention their function
  40.    division of the ANS and their action on the heart
  41.  Define all or none law in a neuron
  42.  Properties of sensory receptors
  43. Draw a diagram of synapse and labeled it
  44.  Types of nerve fibers
  45.  Name any four mechano receptor
  46.  Properties of reflex
  47.  Function of cerebellum
  48.  Features of cerebellar lesion
  49. The disease of basal ganglia
  50.  Csf
  51. Lumbar puncture
  52.  Pathway for smell sensation
  53.  Visual receptor and their function s
  54. What is the visual and auditory area
  55.  What is myopia how it is correct ed
  56. Signs of UMN and LMN lesions
  57. Name types of neuralgia
  58. Name the primary color vision
  59. hypermetropia
  60. Difference between UMN and  LMN lesions
  61. Compare the effects of sympathetic stimulation on the heart with parasympathetic stimulation 

Short Answers

  1.  Stretch reflex 
  2. Define:(a)Paraplegia,(b)Hemiplegia 
  3.   Types of nerve fibres 
  4.   Conduction of impulse in myelinated nerve fibers 
  5.   Saltatory conduction 
  6.   Name any four mechanorecptors 
  7.   Explain any two properties of synapse 
  8.   Reflex action 
  9.   Draw and label the components of a reflex arc 
  10.   Properties of reflexes 
  11.   Name three ascending tracts and specify what sensation is carried by each of them 
  12.   Name the ascending tracts of spinal cord 
  13.   Name the ascending tracts conducting crude touch and finetouch 
  1.   Draw a diagram of pathway for pain sensation from the face        Pathway for pain 
  2.   Referred pain 
  3.   Define referred pain and give two examples 
  4.   What is premotor area and Broca’s area?
  5.   State four functions of thalamus 
  6.   Mention the functions of hypothalamus 
  7.   Functions of cerebellum 
  8.   Parkinson’s disease 
  9.   Lumbar puncture 


Short Essays

  1. Describe the visual pathway with the help of a neat diagram
  2.   Draw a diagram of visual pathway and describe the effects of lesions at different levels 
  3.   What is meant by accommodation reflex? What are the changes that takes place in the eyes during accommodation reflex 
  4.   List the changes in the eye during accommodation to near
  5. vision   Give a diagram of visual pathway 
  6. Name errors of refraction and explain the corrections with the help of diagram
  1.   What are the contents and functions of middle ear?
  2. Explain the tympanic reflex 
  3.   Types and tests for deafness 
  4.   Draw and label the parts of a taste bud 
  5. ,Trace the pathway for taste with the help of a diagram 
  6.   Trace the pathway for smell sensation 

Short Answers

  1.  Functions of aqueous humor 
  2. Cerebrospinal Fluid
  3.   Mention the receptors for vision and its function 
  4.   Draw the visual pathway 
  5.   Color vision 
  6.   Mention the four refractive errors of eye and how it is corrected 
  7. Organ of Corti 
  8.   Auditory pathway 
  9.   Mention the functions of middle ear 
  10.   Describe the taste pathway 
  11.   Draw the diagram of taste pathway 
  12.   What are the primary taste sensations?
  13.   Draw the diagram of olfactory pathway 


Short Answer

Vitamin C-sources and action


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