CARBOHYDRATES Long Essay Name the mucopolysaccharides andtheir what is their significance Short Essays What are homopolysaccharides examplecomposition and function Describe the Structure and biomedicalimportance of disaccharides What are Polysaccharides Classify...
GENERAL ANATOMY Classify fibrous joint Primary cartilaginous joint Name the features of synovial joint Multipolar neurons Name four types of cells found in the connective tissue Neurobiotaxis Epiphysis of long bone-Types with examples Blood supply of a long bone...
General Physiology Components of cell Types of active transport with example What is meant by active transport and passive transport across the cell membrane? Give one example for each? Example of +ve and-ve feedback mechanism Blood and Body Fluids Which are the sites...
DADH Development of Face and Oral Cavity Describe the development of face? Mention the congenital defects of oro-facial regionDevelopment of maxillary prominence Development of palatePrimary developmentNeural crest cellsDevelopment of tongueBucco pharyngeal...