- Component parts of complete denture
- Metal denture bases
- Anatomic teeth
- Non anatomic teeth
- Diagnosis and treatment planning
- Mental attitude of patients
- Saliva
- Residual alveolar ridge
- Lateral throat form
- Classification of palatal throat form
- Cosmetic index
- Mental attitude of patients
- Classification of soft palate
- Cleaning and disinfecting the diagnostic impression
- Ideal requirements of diagnostic cast
- Mouth preparation for cd
- Classification of impression
- Mucostatic or passive impression
- Anatomic landmarks in maxilla
- Posterior palatal seal area
- Anatomical landmarks in the mandible
- Retromolar pad
- Objectives of impression making
- Retention
- Stability
- Support
- Classification of impression
- Mucostatic or passive impression
- Masseteric notch
- Alveololingual sulcus
- Retromolar pad
- Relief area of mandible
- Principles of impression making
- Objectives of impression making
- Retention
- Stability
- Mucostatic impression
- Labial form
- Posterior palatal seal area
- Vibrating lines
- Posterior vibrating line
- Anterior vibrating line
- Supporting structures
- Rugae
- Relief area
- Incisive papilla
- Supporting structures of mandible
- Labial frenum
- Masseteric notch
- Lingual frenum
- Retromolar pad
- Buccal frenum
- Muscular factors affecting retention
- Neutral zone
- Recording the posterior palatal seal area
- Errors in record posterior palatal seal area
- Techniques for making the master impression
- Making a secondary impression using a special tray
- Border moulding
- Making the master or wash impression
- Advantages of fluid wax technique
- Fabrication of occlusal rim
- Jaw relations
- Face bow
- Vertical jaw relation
- Vertical dimension or rest
- Vertical dimension at occlusion
- Centric relation
- Methods of recording centric jaw relation
- Eccentric jaw relation
- Condylar guidance
- Incisal guidance
- Types of mandibular movements
- Types of mandibular movements
- Orientation jaw relation
- Face bow
- Types of face bow
- Arbitrary face bow
- Physiological rest position
- Silverman’s closest speaking space
- Centric relation
- Importance of centric relation
- Incisal guidance
- Types of mandibular movements
- Hinge movement
- Christenson’s phenomenon
- Bennett movement
- Bennett angle
- Orientation jaw relation
- Pre extraction records
- Physiological rest position
- Silverman’s closest speaking space
- Nick and notch method
- Functional method /chew in method
- Graphic method
- Arrow point tracing
- Central bearing point
- Articulator, classification
- Anterior teeth selection
- Dentogenic concept
- Posterior teeth selection
- Balanced occlusion
- Factors influencing balanced occlusion
- Articulator
- Semi adjustable articulator
- Structure of an Articulator
- Mean value Articulator
- Hanau wide vue Articulator
- Teeth selection
- Anterior teeth selection
- Dentogenic concept or SPS factor
- Colour of Anterior teeth
- Importance of balanced occlusion
- Hanau’s quint
- Factors influencing balanced occlusion
- Inclination of condylar path
- Compensating curve
- Principles of teeth Arrangement
- Uses of an articulator
- Structure of an Articulator
- Vertical rod or incisal pin
- Hanau Articulator
- SPA factor
- Neutrocentric concept of occlusion
- Incisal guidance
- Compensating curve
- Curve of spee
- Reverse curve
- Wilson’s curve
- Monson’s curve
- Pleasure curve
- Canine key of occlusion
- Try In
- Try in
- Injection moulding system
- Finishing and polishing the dentures
- Patient instruction
- Checking for the fit of the prosthesis
- Patient instruction
- Tissue conditioners
- Denture stomatitis
- Denture irritation hyperplasia
- Burning mouth syndrome
- Gagging
- Residual ridge resorption
- General precautions to prevent /control Sequelae from CD
- Uses of denture Adhesive
- Denture stomatitis
- Epulis fissuratum
- Relining and rebasing
- Relining
- Functional method
- Rebasing
- Immediate denture
- Single CD
- Combination syndrome
- Immediate denture
- Tooth supported over dentures
- Types of over dentures
- Advantages and disadvantages of over denture
- Implant supported over dentures
- Kennedy’s classification
- Applegate’s modification
- Applegate’s classification
- Indications of removable partial denture
- Classification of partially edentulous Arches
- Major connector
- Minor connector
- Rest
- Direct retainer
- Pre prosthetic mouth preparation
- Treatment planning
- Surveying, surveyor
- Maxillary Major Connector
- Mandibular major connector
- Minor connector
- Rest and Rest seats
- Direct retainers
- Principles of clasp design
- Cast circumferential clasp
- Vertical projection or Roach or Bar clasp
- Indirect retainers, types of indirect retainers
- Survey lines
- Uses of surveyor
- Tripoding the primary cast
- Guiding planes
- Factors influencing path of insertion
- Major connector
- Single posterior palatal bar
- Lingual palate
- Minor connector
- Rest and Rest seats
- Occlusal rest and rest seat
- Lingual rest and rest seat
- Direct retainer
- Factors are retention
- Embrasure clasp or modified crib clasp
- Intra oral direct retainers
- Stress equalization
- Survey lines
- Tripoding the primary cast
- Path of insertion
- Major connector
- Horseshoe or u-shaped connector
- Rest and Rest seats
- Linguoplates
- Dual impression procedure
- Fluid wax functional impression
- Selective pressures functional dual impression technique
- Selective pressures functional dual impression technique
- I bar removable partial denture
- Swings lock removable partial denture
- Immediate partial denture
- Classification of FPD
- Indications and contradictions of FPD
- Pontics, classification of pontics
- Retainers
- Pontic designs
- Sanitary pontic
- Ovate pontic
- Connectors
- Saddle pontic
- Sanitary pontic
- Bullet- shaped pontic
- Rigid connectors
- Non rigid connectors
- Material selection
- Abutment selection
- Abutment selection
- Ante’s law
- Occlusal rehabilitation
- Remounting the dentures
- Remounting the dentures
- Occlusal rehabilitation
- Pier Abutment
- Materials used for making dowels
- Cantilever Abutment
- Telescopic crown
- Factors to be considered during Dowel core preparation
- Principles of tooth preparation
- Finish line of configuration
- All metal full veneer crowns
- Preparation for anterior metal ceramic full veneer crowns
- All ceramic full veneer crowns
- Axial reduction
- Finish line of configuration
- All ceramic full veneer crowns
- Seven eight crowns
- Marginal integrity
- Finish line of configuration
- Chamfer
- Shoulder
- Seven eight crowns
- Cantilever fixed partial denture
- All ceramic fixed partial denture
- Resin bonded fixed partial denture
- Mechanical methods of fluid control
- Retraction of gingival tissue
- Impression making for fixed partial denture
- Temporization or provisional restoration
- Types of provisional restoration
- Ideal requirements of provisional restoration
- Fabrication of an Acrylic provisional restoration for a posterior tooth using indirect technique
- Provisional restoration based on material used
- Dies and working cast
- Die preparation
- Di lock tray system
- Pindex system
- Casting defects
- Sprue design
- Luting agents
- Obturators
- Classification of obturators
- Materials used in maxillofacial prosthesis
- Osseo integration
- Implant failure
- Materials used in dental implants
- Indications and contradictions of implants
- Types of implants
- Root form implants
- Parts of an implant
- Definition of osseointegration