
Periodontics Long essay 1) Anatomy and development of the structures of the periodontium
  • Development of periodontium
  • Junctional epithelium
2) Biology of periodontal tissues Long essay
  • Gingiva
  • periodontal ligaments
  • alveolar bone
  • Cementum
Short  essay
  • attached gingiva
  • width of attached gingiva
  • cellular composition of periodontal ligaments
  • principal fibres of PDL
  • alveolar bone
  • composition of alveolar bone
  • cellular components of alveolar bone
  • fenestration and dehiscences
  • classification of cementum
  • cementoenamel junction
  • functions of PDL
Short answer
  • width of attached gingiva
  • tension test
  • roll test
  • col
  • cellular composition of PDL
  • epithelial cell rest of malassez
  • principal fibers of PDL
  • functions of PDL
  • bundle bone
  • CEJ
3) periodontal structures in aging humans Short  essay
  • Age changes in periodontium
4) classification system of periodontal diseases Long essay
  • Classification of periodontal disease and conditions
Short essay
  • Classification of periodontal disease and conditions
  • Developmental and acquired deformities and conditions
5)Epidemiology of gingival And periodontal diseases Short essay
  • Epidemiology
  • Descriptive studies
  • Gingival index by Leo H and silness I
  • Indices of gingival bleeding
  • Indices used to measure plaque accumulation
  • Community periodontal index of treatment needs by Ainamo and associates
Short answers
  • Indices of gingival bleeding
  • Turesky- Gilmore- Glickman modification of the Quigley-Hein plaque index
6)periodontal microbiology Long essay
  • Types of dental plaques
  • Formation or development of dental plaque
  • Composition of dental plaque
Short essay
  • Structure of biofilm
  • Formation or development of dental plaque
  • Microbial specificity of periodontal diseases
  • Specific plaque hypothesis
  • Key characteristics of specific periodontal pathogens
  • Socransky’s microbial complexes
Short answers
  • Definition of biofilm
  • Periodontal tissue damage
7) calculus and other ecological   Long essay
  • Calculus
Short essay
  • Composition of calculus
  • Formation of calculus
  • Difference between supra and subgingival calculus
  • Theories of calculus formation
  • Sequelae of food Impaction
  • Stains
Short answers
  • Food Impaction
  • Chlorhexidine stains
8)Trauma from occlusion Long essay
  • Trauma from occlusion
Short essay
  • Trauma from occlusion
  • Primary trauma from occlusion
  • Secondary trauma from occlusion
  • Radiographic changes
  • Histologic change
  • pathologic tooth migration
9)  Role of systemic disease In the etiology of periodontal Diseases Long essay
  • Metabolic and endocrine disorders
  • Diabetes mellitus and periodontal diseases
Short answers
  • Vitamin c
  • Leukemia
  • Chediak-Higashi syndrome
  • Lazy leukocytes syndrome
Oral malodor Long essay
  • oral malodor
Short essay
  • Classification of Halitosis
  • Pathogenesis and etiology
  • Diagnosis of Halitosis
  • BANA test
10)periodontal medicine Short essay
  • Periodontal medicine
  • Periodontal disease and diabetes mellitus
11)Smoking and periodontal Diseases Short essay
  • Smoking and periodontal diseases
12) host modulation in the period- Ontal therapy Short essay
  • Host modulation in periodontal
  • Classification of host modulatory agents
13) Defence mechanism of the gingiva Long essay
  • Defence mechanism of the gingiva
  • Methods of collection
  • Composition of gingival crevicular fluid
Short essay
  • Sulcular fluid
  • Methods of collection
Short answers
  • Functions of saliva
  • Methods of collection
14)gingival information Short essay
  • Stages of gingivitis
15)gingival enlargement Long essay
  • Gingival enlargement
  • Phenytoin induced gingival hyperplasia
  Short essay
  • Classification of gingival enlargement
  • Inflammatory enlargement
  • Treatment of drug-associated gingival enlargement
  • Enlargement in pregnancy
  • Non-specific conditioned enlargement
  • Systemic disease causing gingival enlargement
Short answers
  • Treatment of gingival abscess
  • Non-inflammatory gingival enlargement
  • Enlargement in pregnancy
  • Plasma cell gingivitis
  • Systemic disease-causing gingival enlargement
  • Vitamin c deficiency
  • False enlargement
16)Acute gingival infections Long essay
  • Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
  • Treatment of necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
  • Acute herpetic gingivostomatitis
Short essay
  • Acute herpetic gingivostomatitis
  • Pericoronitis
Short answers
  • Acute herpetic gingivostomatitis
17) periodontal disease in chi- ldren and young Adolescents Short  essay
  • Classification of periodontal disease and conditions
  • Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
Short answers
  • Papillon lefevre syndrome
18)Desquamative gingivitis Short essay
  • Desquamative gingivitis
19) periodontal pockets Short essay
  • Classification of periodontal pockets
  • Pathogenesis
  • Difference between suprabony and infrabony pockets
20)Bone loss and pattern of Bone Destruction Short essay
  • Bone Destruction pattern in periodontal diseases
21)chronic periodontitis Long essay
  • Chronic periodontitis,defination, clinical features, types,etiology, risk factors for diseases, treatment    22)Necrotizing ulcerative
periodontitis ,refractory   periodontitis Short  essay
  • Necrotizing ulcerative periodontitis
  • Down syndrome
Short answers
  • Papillon-lefevre syndrome
  • Chediak-Higashi syndrome
23)Aids and the periodontium -m Short essay
  • Oral and periodontal manifestation of HIV infection
24)Determination of prognosis Short essay
  • Determination of prognosis
  • Overall versus individual tooth prognosis
25)Treatment plan Short essay
  • Treatment plan
26)periodontal instrumentari -um Long essay
  • Curettes
Short essay
  • Scalers
  • Curettage
Short answers
  • Universal curettes
  • gracey curvettes
27)principles of periodontal instrumentation Long essay
  • Basic principles of periodontal instrumentation
  • Notes on curettes
  • Principles of scaling and root planning
Short essay
  • Instrument stabilization
  • Instrument Activation
  • Root planning
  • Instrument grasp
Short answers
  • Test for instrument sharpness
  • Finger rest
28)plaque control Long essay
  • Mechanical plaque control
  • Chemical plaque
  • Chlorhexidine
Short essay
  • Mechanical plaque control
  • Brushing techniques
  • Dentifrices
  • Oral irrigation devices
  • Chemical plaque control
  • Chlorhexidine
Short answers
  • ADA specification of a toothbrush
  • Powered tooth brush
  • Disclosing agents
29)principles of periodontal Surgery Short essay
  • Suturing materials
  • Periodontal dressing
  • Indications and contradictions of periodontal surgery
  • Suturing technique
30)gingival curettage Long essay
  • Gingival curettage
31)gingivectomy Long essay
  • Gingivectomy
32)periodontal flap Long essay
  • Defination, classification,incisions, flaps
  • Modified widman flap
Short essay
  • Classification
  • Incisions
Short answers
  • Modified Widman flap
33)osseous surgery Long essay
  • Definition, types,
  • Resective osseous surgery
  • Reconstructive osseous surgery
  • Nongraft associated new attachment
Short essay
  • Reconstructive osseous surgery
  • Root biomodification
  • Bone grafts
34)Mucogingival surgery Long essay
  • Indications, management of mucogingival recession, techniques to increase the width of attached gingiva
Short  essay
  • Mucogingival problems
  • Techniques to increase the width of attached gingiva
  • Pedicle autografts
  • Double papillary flap
  • Coronally repositioned flap
  • Subepithelial connective tissue grafts guided tissue regeneration technique for root coverage
  • Frenectomy
Short answers
  • Classification
  • Frenectomy
35) furcation involvement and  its management Long essay
  • Furcation involvement, defination, etiology , classification clinical features, management
36)pulpoperiodontal problems Short essay
  • Endoperiolesion
37)Splints in periodontal ther -apy Short essay
  • Splints in periodontal therapy
38)Dental implants Short essay
  • Peri-implant diseases
39)Maintenance phase Short essay
  • Supportive periodontal treatment
40)periodontal restorative inter relationship Short essay
  • Biologic width
41)drugs used in periodontal Therapy Short essay
  • Classification  of various drugs used in periodontal therapy
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