

  1. Define and classify fibrous joint.
  2. Mention the features of synovial joint.
  3. Write the types of cells present in the connective tissue.
  4. Long bone epiphysis mention it’s types with examples.
  5. Neurobiotaxis.
  6. Long bone arterial supply.
  7. Mention the various sets of arteries supplying the long bone.
  8. Cartilaginous joints.
  9. Describe multipolar neurons. 
  11. Explain mandible under following headings:
    • Body and ramus of mandible
    • Attachments and relations
    • Age changes of mandible. SHORT ANSWERS
  12. Norma Verticalis.
  13. Norma Frontalis.
  14. Mandible.
  15. Foramen magnum.
  16. Hyoid bone.
  17. Structures passing through foramina.
  18. Temporal bone.
  19. Ethmoid bone.
  20. Zygomatic bone.
  21. First cervical vertebrae.
  22. Cervical vertebrae.
  23. Seventh cervical vertebra.
  24. Mastoid process, discuss their attachments of muscles and nerve supply.
  25. Jugular foramen.
  26. Symphysis menti.
  27. Superior orbital fissure. VERY SHORTS:
  28. Bones of the skull.
  29. Pterion and it’s clinical importance.
  30. Foramen Ovale.
  31. Foramen spinosum.
  32. Foramen lacerum.
  33. Age changes in mandible.
  34. Pterygomandibular raphe.
  35. Jugular foramen.
  36. Optic canal.
  37. Fetal skull.
  38. Craniometry.
  39. Ligaments of mandible.
  40. Name four process of maxilla.
  41. Sphenoid bone.
  42. Lateral pterygoid plate.
  43. Ramus of mandible.
  44. Internal auditory meatus.
  45. Symphysis menti.
  46. Pterygomandibular raphe.
  47. Sphenomandibular ligament.
  48. Atlas vertebra.
  49. First cervical vertebra.
  50. Hyoid bone.
  51. Muscle attachments of hyoid bone.
  52. Mention the muscle attached to the greater horn of the hyoid bone.
  53. Mastoid process.
  54. Name the bones forming the hard palate.
  55. Bregma formation.
  56. Seventh cervical vertebra.
  57. Mention the paired bones of cranium.
  58. Superior orbital fissure.
  59. Ethmoid bone.
  60. Draw second cervical vertebra [ posterosuperior view ].
  61. Typical cervical vertebra.



  1. Describe in detail about the scalp
    • Extent and structure.
    • Arterial supply and venous drainage.
    • Nerve supply and it’s clinical anatomy.
  2. Explain the face in the following headings:
    • Nerve supply of face.
    • Arteries of the face.
    • Dangerous area of the face.
    • Venous drainage of face.
  4. Applied anatomy of scalp.
  5. Venous drainage of scalp.
  6. Nerve supply of scalp and superficial temporal region.
  7. Facial muscles.
  8. Motor and sensory nerve supply of face.
  9. Lymphatic drainage of the face.
  10. Veins of the face.
  11. Explain facial artery in detail.
  12. Dangerous area of face.
  13. Lacrimal apparatus.
  14. Enumerate buccinator muscle.
  15. Platysma.
  16. Cutaneous innervation of face.
  17. Write in detail about orbicularis oculi. VERY SHORTS:
  18. Emissary veins.
  19. Dangerous area of the scalp.
  20. Platysma.
  21. Infranuclear lesions of facial nerve.
  22. Bell’s palsy.
  23. Lacrimal gland.
  24. Five branches of the facial nerve.
  25. Epicranial aponeurosis.
  26. Lacrimal puncta and canaliculi.
  27. Anastomoses.
  28. Nerve supply of scalp.
  29. Mention the layers of the scalp.
  30. Buccinator muscle.
  31. Nasolacrimal duct.
  32. Facial vein- Formation, course and termination.
  33. Facial artery- cervical branches.
  34. Name the various layers of scalp.
  35. Maxillary artery.
  36. Muscles of facial expression.
  37. Retromandibular vein.
  38. Orbicularis oculi.



  1. Describe posterior triangle under following headings:
    (a) Features and boundaries.
    (b) Roof and floor.
    (c) Contents of the posterior triangle.
    Add a note on carotid sheath. SHORT ANSWERS:
  2. Deep cervical fascia.
  3. Carotid sheath.
  4. Sternocleidomastoid muscle.
  5. Pretracheal fascia and it’s clinical importance.
  6. External jugular vein. VERY SHORTS:
  7. Pretracheal fascia.
  8. Pharyngobasilar fascia.
  9. Carotid sheath.
  10. External jugular vein.
  11. Sternocleidomastoid muscle.
  12. Cervical plexus.



  1. Describe anterior triangle under following:
    (a) Boundaries and subdivisions.
    (b) Contents of any one.
    Add a note in carotid triangle.
  2. Explain in detail about external carotid artery with a neat labelled diagram. SHORT ANSWERS:
  3. Digastric triangle.
  4. Formation, relation and Contents of carotid triangle.
  5. Lingual artery.
  6. External carotid artery.
  7. Ansa Cervicalis/Ansa hypoglossi.
  8. Muscular triangle.
  9. Explain briefly about infrahyoid muscles.
  10. Enumerate carotid triangle.
  11. Omohyoid muscle and add a short notes on it’s attachments. VERY SHORTS:
  12. Infrahyoid muscles.
  13. Pretracheal fascia.
  14. Thyroid cartilage.
  15. Submental triangle.
  16. Digastric triangle contents.
  17. Branches of external carotid artery.
  18. Diagram of carotid triangle.
  19. Branches of facial artery in the neck.
  20. Name the branches of lingual artery.
  21. Ansa hypoglossi.
  22. Suprahyoid muscles.
  23. Omohyoid muscle.



  1. Enumerate parotid gland under following headings:-
    • Capsule of parotid gland.
    • External features and relations.
    • Borders and structures passing within the parotid gland.
    • Parotid duct/ Stenson’s duct.
    • Blood and nerve supply.
    • Clinical anatomy.
  3. Explain the structures passing within the parotid gland.
  4. Histology of parotid gland.
  5. Stenson’s duct.
  6. Nerve supply of parotid. 
  8. Parotid swelling.
  9. Mumps.
  10. Accessory processes of parotid gland.
  11. Parotid abscess.
  12. Parotidectomy.
  13. Nerve supply of parotid.
  14. Parotid lymph nodes.



  1. Explain the muscles of mastication under the following:
    • Origin and insertion.
    • Muscle and fibers.
    • Nerve supply.
    • Actions and development.
  2. Explain muscles of mastication and Add a brief note on attachments, nerve supply, relations and actions of lateral pterygoid muscle.
  3. Describe maxillary artery, write briefly about
    (a) Features,course and relations.
    (b) Branches of maxillary artery.
    (c) Pterygoid plexus of veins.
    (d) Clinical anatomy.
  4. Explain temporomandibular joint under following headings:- Types of joints, Articular surfaces, articular disc and it’s relations.
  5. Describe the muscle producing movements of temporomandibular joints, blood supply and nerve supply. Write a brief note on movements of temporomandibular joints and it’s clinical anatomy.
  6. Explain mandibular nerve, describe briefly about course, relations, branches,distribution and it’s clinical anatomy. SHORT ANSWERS:
  7. Infratemporal fossa.
  8. Muscles of mastication.
  9. Relations and nerve supply of lateral pterygoid.
  10. Branches of maxillary artery.
  11. Ligaments and relations of temporomandibular joint.
  12. Movements of temporomandibular joint and muscles producing.
  13. Lingual nerve- Course and relations.
  14. Inferior alveolar nerve.
  15. Otic ganglion.
  16. Branches of mandibular nerve.
  17. Add a note on sphenomandibular ligament.
  18. Pterygoid plexus of veins. VERY SHORTS:
  19. Temporal fossa.
  20. Masseter muscle.
  21. Temporalis muscle.
  22. Lateral pterygoid muscle.
  23. First part of maxillary artery.
  24. Pterygoid plexus of veins.
  25. Epistaxis.
  26. Sphenomandibular ligament.
  27. Kiesselbach’s plexus.
  28. Articular disc of temporomandibular joint.
  29. Dislocation of mandible.
  30. Lingual nerve.
  31. Inferior alveolar nerve.
  32. Jaw-jerk reflex.
  33. Otic ganglion.
  34. Referred pain.



  1. Enumerate submandibular salivary gland under following headings:-
    (a) Features and Relations.
    (b) Blood supply and lymphatic drainage.
    (c) Nerve supply.
    (d) Submandibular Duct/ Wharton’s duct.
    (e) Applied anatomy. SHORT ANSWERS:
  2. Suprahyoid muscles in detail.
  3. Digastric muscles-Attachments, Relations and blood supply.
  4. Relations of hyoglossus.
  5. Submandibular salivary gland.
  6. Submandibular ganglion.
  7. Compare three salivary glands. VERY SHORTS:
  8. Nerve supply of digastric muscle.
  9. Submandibular duct/Wharton’s duct.
  10. Histology of sublingual gland.
  11. Histology of submandibular gland.
  12. Mylohyoid muscle.
  13. Posterior belly of digastric.



  1. Enumerate thyroid gland under the following headings:-
    • Situation and extent.
    • Capsules of thyroid.
    • Parts and relations.
    • Arterial supply and venous drainage.
    • Development and histology.
    • Applied anatomy. SHORT ANSWERS:
  2. Histology of thyroid glands.
  3. Arterial supply of thyroid gland.
  4. Parathyroid glands.
  5. Histology of thymus.
  6. Subclavian artery.
  7. Common carotid artery.
  8. Relations of internal carotid artery.
  9. Internal jugular vein.
  10. Styloid apparatus.
  11. Development of the arteries.
  12. Relations of recurrent laryngeal nerve.
  13. Branches of superior cervical ganglion. VERY SHORTS:
  14. Thyroidectomy.
  15. Hypothyroidism.
  16. Development of thyroid gland.
  17. Stylohyoid ligament.
  18. Hyperparathyroidism.
  19. Myasthenia gravis.
  20. Internal jugular vein.
  21. Brachiocephalic vein.
  22. Horner’s syndrome.
  23. Waldeyer’s ring.
  24. Isthmus of thyroid gland.
  25. Ligaments and muscle attachments of styloid processes.
  26. Phrenic nerve.



  1. Prevertebral muscles.
  2. Vertebral artery- Relations, branches and development.
  3. Cervical plexus.
  4. Add a brief note on scalene muscles.
  5. Alanto-occipital joint.
  6. Alanto-axial joint.
  7. State a brief note on phrenic nerve. VERY SHORTS:
  8. Name scalene muscles.
  9. Vertebral artery parts.
  10. Cervical pleura.
  11. Muscular branches of cervical plexus.
  12. Phrenic nerve.
  13. Cervical spondylosis.
  14. Mention the ligaments connecting axis to the skull.
  15. Cruciate ligament.



  1. Enumerate the suboccipital triangle. Describe briefly contents of it. SHORT ANSWERS:
  2. Boundaries of suboccipital triangle.
  3. Suboccipital muscles.
  4. Occipital artery.
  5. Add a note on dorsal ramus of first cervical nerve. VERY SHORTS:
  6. Nerve supply of skin.
  7. Longissimus.
  8. Lumbar puncture.
  10. Caudal epidural.
  11. Cauda equina.



  1. Describe dural venous sinuses. Write in detail about relation, tributaries, communications and clinical anatomy of cavernous sinus.
  2. Enumerate hypophysis cerebri , add a note in relations, arterial supply, venous drainage and it’s histology.
  4. Falx cerebelli.
  5. Tentorium cerebelli.
  6. Venous sinuses of dura mater.
  7. Cavernous sinus.
  8. Superior saggital sinus.
  9. Inferior sagittal sinus.
  10. Sigmoid sinus.
  11. Histology of pituitary gland.
  12. Trigeminal ganglion.
  13. Middle meningeal artery.
  14. Internal carotid artery. VERY SHORTS:
  15. Falx cerebri.
  16. Meckel’s cave.
  17. Paired venous sinuses.
  18. Unpaired venous sinuses.
  19. Thrombosis of cavernous sinus.
  20. Tributaries of cavernous sinus.
  21. Transverse sinus.
  22. Superior sagittal sinus.
  23. Emissary veins.
  24. Petrosal nerve.
  25. Dural venous sinuses.
  26. Transverse cerebelli.



  1. Describe the extraocular muscles under following headings:-
    (a) Voluntary and involuntary muscles.
    (b) Origin and insertion.
    (c) Nerve supply and Actions.
  3. Ophthalmic artery.
  4. Ciliary ganglion.
  5. Levator palpebrae superioris.
  6. Extraocular muscles and their actions. VERY SHORTS:
  7. Optic nerve and it’s importance.
  8. Ciliary ganglion.
  9. Branches if Nasociliary Nerve.
  10. Nerve supply of Extraocular muscles.
  11. Actions of oblique muscles.
  12. Nystagmus.
  13. Facial sheath of the eyeball.
  14. Actions of superior rectus muscle.



  1. Write the origin, course, insertion, blood supply, nerve supply and muscles of soft palate.
  2. Describe the pharynx under following headings:-
    • Boundaries and parts of pharynx.
    • Waldeyer’s lymphatic ring.
    Add a note on Palatine tonsil.
  3. Explain pharynx, describe Palatine tonsil under following headings:-
    • Features.
    • Arterial supply and venous drainage.
    • Lymphatic drainage and nerve supply.
    • Histology and development.
    • Clinical anatomy. SHORT ANSWERS:
  4. Hard palate.
  5. Nerve supply of soft palate.
  6. Waldeyer’s lymphatic ring.
  7. Histology of palatine tonsil.
  8. Laryngeal part of pharynx.
  9. Auditory tube.
  10. Nasopharynx.
  11. Palatine tonsil. VERY SHORTS:
  12. Draw a neat labelled diagram of tooth.
  13. Nerve supply of teeth.
  14. Stages of development of deciduous teeth.
  15. Muscles of soft palate.
  16. Development of palate.
  17. Cleft palate.
  18. Waldeyer’s lymphatic ring.
  19. Periotonsilar abscess.
  20. Tonsillectomy.
  21. Killian’s dehiscence.
  22. Piriform fossa.
  23. Auditory tube.
  24. Palatine aponeurosis.
  25. Neat labelled diagram of waldeyer’s ring.



  1. Explain lateral wall of nose under following headings:- Features, blood supply, nerve supply and it’s clinical aspect.
  2. Enumerate paranasal sinuses and add a note on it’s clinical anatomy.
  3. Describe the maxillary nerve under following headings:-
    (a) Origin and termination.
    (b) Course and relations.
    (c) Branches.
    (d) Clinical importance. SHORT ANSWERS:
  4. Nasal septum.
  5. Lateral wall of nose.
  6. Add a note on Conchae and meatuses.
  7. State briefly about maxillary sinus.
  8. Sphenoidal sinus.
  9. Pterygopalatine fossa.
  10. Write briefly about maxillary nerve.
  11. Pterygopalatine ganglion.
  12. Nerve supply of lacrimal gland. VERY SHORTS:
  13. Maxillary sinuses.
  14. Artery of epistaxis.
  15. Ethmoidal sinuses.
  16. Antrum puncture.
  17. Infraorbital nerve.
  18. Hay fever ganglion.
  19. Middle meatus of nose.
  20. Superior and inferior meatus of nose.
  21. Opening of paranasal sinuses.
  22. Lateral wal of nose – Nerve supply.
  23. Sphenoidal air sinuses.
  24. Name the bones forming nasal septum.



  1. Describe anatomy of larynx under following headings:-
    • Situation and extent.
    • Cartilages of larynx.
    • Histology.
    • Applied anatomy.
  2. Write in detail about intrinsic muscles of larynx and state briefly about it’s clinical anatomy. SHORT ANSWERS:
  3. Cartilages of larynx.
  4. Cricoid cartilage.
  5. Intrinsic muscles of larynx.
  6. Vocal folds and it’s movements.
  7. Rima glottidis.
  8. Muscles of larynx. VERY SHORTS:
  9. Name the cartilages of larynx.
  10. Vocal cords.
  11. Nerve supply of intrinsic muscles of larynx.
  12. Cricoarytenoid.
  13. Rima glottidis.
  14. Laryngotomy.
  15. Epiglottis.



  1. Describe tongue under following headings:-
    (a) Parts
    (b) Papillae of the tongue.
    (c) Muscles of the tongue.
    (d) Blood and nerve supply.
    (e) Applied anatomy. SHORT ANSWERS:
  2. Papillae of tongue.
  3. Muscles of the tongue.
  4. Nerve supply of tongue.
  5. Development of tongue.
  6. Taste pathway. VERY SHORTS:
  7. Lymphatic drainage of tongue.
  8. Name the types of papillae.
  9. Sensory nerve supply of tongue.
  10. Foliate papillae of tongue.
  11. Actions of muscles.
  12. Draw a neat labelled diagram of tongue.



  1. External acoustic meatus- Blood supply.
  2. Tympanic membrane.
  3. Write in detail about middle ear.
  4. Chorda tympani nerve.
  5. Mastoid air cells. VERY SHORTS:
  6. Nerve supply of tympanic membrane.
  7. Ear ossicles.
  8. Functions of the middle ear.
  9. Mastoid air cells.
  10. Bones of middle ear.
  11. Cochlear duct.
  12. Muscles of tympanic cavity.



  1. Cornea and it’s clinical importance.
  2. Histology of cornea.
  3. Ciliary body.
  4. Iris.
  5. Retina.
  6. Aqueous humour.
  7. Sclera. VERY SHORTS:
  8. Myopia and hypermetropia corrections.
  9. Choroid.
  10. Vitreous body.
  11. Layers of retina.
  12. Cornea.
  13. Ciliary muscles.
  14. Histology of retina.


  1. Neural crest cells and their derivatives.
  2. External and internal features of spinal cord.
  3. Seventh cranial nerve.
  4. Medulla oblongata.
  5. Cerebral hemisphere.
  6. Vagus nerve.
  7. Chorda tympani nerve.
  8. Recurrent laryngeal nerve.
  9. Pterygopalatine ganglion.
  10. Inferior horn of lateral ventricle.
  11. Deep intra cerebellar nuclei.
  12. Corpus callosum.
  13. Blood supply to spinal cord.
  14. Write in detail about hypoglossal nerve.
  15. Extracranial course of the facial nerve in detail.
  16. Circle of Willis.


  1. karyotyping.
  2. Sex chromatin.
  3. Chromosomal abnormalities.
  4. Barry body.
  5. Drumstick.
  6. Primitive streak.
  7. Genetic disorders.
  8. Mitosis.
  9. Meiosis.
  10. Spermatogenesis.
  11. Oogenesis.
  12. Gametogenesis.
  13. Grafian follicle.
  14. Ovarian cycle.
  15. Corpus luteum.
  16. Menstrual cycle.
  17. Fertilization.
  18. Sex chromosomes.
  19. Sex determination.
  20. Cleavage.
  21. Pharyngeal arch.
  22. Formation of germ layers.
  23. Formation of notochord.
  24. Yolk sac.
  25. Allantoic diverticulum.
  26. Formation of placenta.
  27. Implantation and it’s types.
  28. Development of the placenta.
  29. Functions of placenta.
  30. Extraembryonic membrane.
  31. Furcate placenta.
  32. Umbilical cord.
  33. Intramembranous ossification.
  34. Endochondral ossification stages.
  35. Derivatives of ectoderm.
  36. Pharyngeal arches.
  37. Endodermal pouches.
  38. Thyroid gland development.
  39. Somites.
  40. Development of palate.
  41. Development of hyoid bone.
  42. Endodermal pouches of pharynx.
  43. Face development anomalies.
  44. Development of parathyroid gland.
  45. Tonsil development.
  46. Down syndrome.
  47. Turner syndrome.
  48. Klinefelter’s syndrome.
  49. Development of thymus.
  50. Cleft lip.
  51. Cleft palate.
  52. Pituitary gland development.

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