Development of Face and Oral Cavity

  1. Describe the development of face? Mention the congenital defects of oro-facial region
  2. Development of maxillary prominence
  3. Development of palate
  4. Primary development
  5. Neural crest cells
  6. Development of tongue
  7. Bucco pharyngeal membrane
  8. Hypobranchial eminence
  9. Tubeculum impar
  10. Meckel’s cartilage

Development and growth of teeth

  1. Describe the stages of tooth development and give note on life cycle of ameloblast
  2. Enumerate the stages of tooth development and give note on life cycle of ameloblast
  3. Describe the development of tooth in detail
  4. Describe the cap stage and bell stage of teeth in detail
  5. Draw a neat labelled diagram of tooth germ in bell stage and explain the role of each structure in detail

Short answers

  1. Dental formula for human dentition
  2. Structures derived from dental papilla
  3. Cap and bud stage tooth development
  4. Hertwigs epithelial root sheath
  5. Bell stage of tooth development
  6. Development of root
  7. Apposition
  8. Cap stage of tooth development
  9. Fate of dental lamina
  10. Stratum granulosum
  11. Dental lamina
  12. Dental lamina and vestibular lamina


Short essay

  1. Describe the physical and chemical properties of enamel
  2. Describe the structure of enamel
  3. Which are the hypocalcified areas of enamel
  4. Freeway space
  5. Describe in detail about enamel organ
  6. Explain the life cycle of ameloblast
  7. Amelogenesis
  8. Explain in detail about mineralization of enamel
  9. Clinical consideration of enamel
  10. Functions of reduced enamel epithelium
  11. Derivatives of neural crest cells
  12. Derivatives of dental papilla and dental sac

Short answers

  1. Enamel rods
  2. Gnarled enamel
  3. Formative phase of ameloblast
  4. Enamel lamellae
  5. Perikymata
  6. Dentinoenamel junction
  7. Enamel tuft
  8. Enamel spindles
  9. Age changes of enamel
  10. Nasmyths membrane
  11. Chemical composition of enamel
  12. Hunter schreger bands
  13. Neonatal line
  14. Pellicle
  15. Tomes process
  16. Enamel knot
  17. Enamel cord
  18. Surface structure of enamel
  19. Incremental lines of enamel
  20. Enamel cuticle
  21. Ameloblast
  22. Enamel hypoplasia
  23. Enamel rods
  24. Enamel niche


  1. What are the different types of dentin
  2. Chemical composition of dentin
  3. What are the physical and chemical properties of dentin
  4. Note on curvature of dentinal tubules
  5. Explain about the incremental lines in dentin
  6. What are the types of theories of dentinal sensitivity?
  7. Explain dentinogenesis
  8. Write a note on primary,secondary and teritiary dentin
  9. What is osteodentin
  10. Tomes granular layer
  11. Denticles
  12. Describe the hypocalcified structures of dentin
  13. Note on histology of dentinal tubules
  14. Write in detail the microscopic structures of dentin
  15. What are the age changes in dentin
  16. Explain the structure of dentin

Short answers

  1. Dentinal tubules
  2. Types of dentin
  3. Pre-dentin
  4. Circumpulpal dentin
  5. Secondary dentin
  6. Teritiary dentin
  7. Neonatal line
  8. Interglobular dentin
  9. Tomes granular layer
  10. Sclerotic dentin
  11. Dead tracts
  12. Odontoblasts
  13. Incremental/structural lines in dentin
  14. Intertubular dentin
  15. Hydrodynamic theory
  16. Tonofilaments
  17. Reparative dentin
  18. Curvatures in dentin
  19. Contour lines of owen
  20. Incremental lines of von-ebner


  1. Define pulp ?describe its functions
  2. Describe the microscopic structures of pulp
  3. Histology of pulp
  4. Describe briefly about pulp
  5. What are the age changes in pulp
  6. What are the different zones of pulp?
  7. What are the pulpal calcifications
  8. What are cementicles
  9. Clinical considerations of pulp
  10. Vonkorffs fibers
  11. Apical foramen

Short answers

  1. Cellular elements of pulp
  2. Undifferentiated mesenchmal cell
  3. Defence cells of pulp
  4. Decalcifying agents
  5. Accessory cannals
  6. What are pulp stones
  7. Zones of pulp
  8. Plexus of rashkow


  1. Describe the macroscopic and microscopic appearance of cementum
  2. Cementogenesis
  3. Types of cementoenamel junction
  4. Cellular cementum
  5. Acellular cementum
  6. Hypercementosis
  7. Cementocytes
  8. Difference between cellular and acellular cementum
  9. Intermediate cementum

Short answers

  1. Cellular cementum
  2. Cementicles
  3. Types of cementum
  4. Functions of cementum
  5. Cementoblasts
  6. Intermediate cementum
  7. Acellular cementum
  8. Age changes in cementum
  9. Incremental lines of salter
  10. Functional repair vs anatomic repair
  11. cementoid
  12. Histology of primary cementum
  13. Cementoenamel junction
  14. Cementocytes
  15. Hypercemtosis

Periodontal ligament

  1. Describe In detail histology and functions of pdl
  2. Principal fibres of periodontal ligament
  3. Cell rests of malassez
  4. Which are the resorptive cells of PDL
  5. Describe in detail structure of periodontal ligament
  6. pdl

Short answer

  1. Periodontium
  2. Fibronectin
  3. Sharpey fiber
  4. Alveolar crest group of fibers
  5. Oblique and apical group of PDL
  6. Transeptal fibers
  7. Bundle fibers of PDL
  8. Age changes in PDL
  9. Birbeck granules
  10. Principal fibers
  11. Protective function of pdl
  12. Odontoclasts
  13. Periodontal ligament traction
  14. Intermediate plexus
  15. Cell rests of malassez
  16. Oxytalin fibers
  17. Fibroblasts
  18. Periodontal ligament
  19. Cells of PDL
  20. Mast cell


  1. Define bone? Describe the structure of alveolar bone
  2. Write about the age changes in alveolar bone
  3. Lamina limitans
  4. apoptosis
  5. Sharpeys fibers
  6. Theories of calcification
  7. Alveolar bone proper
  8. Regulation of serum calcium level
  9. Composition of bone
  10. Factors affecting calcium
  11. Osteoblasts and osteoclasts
  12. Histology and functions of alveolar bone
  13. What are the types of bone
  14. Howships lacunae
  15. Osteon
  16. Cribriform plate

Short answers

  1. Osteoclasts
  2. Lamina dura
  3. Alveolar bone proper
  4. Volkmans canal
  5. Haversian system
  6. Exocytosis
  7. Osteoblasts
  8. What is the normal serum calcium level
  9. Alveolar bone
  10. Bundle bone
  11. Spongy bone
  12. Reversal line

Oral Mucous Membrane

  1. Classify oral mucous membrane and describe in detail about masticatory mucosa?
  2. Describe the lining mucosa
  3. Write about the specialised mucosa of the oral cavity
  4. Classify oral mucous membrane ?enumerate the histological differences between hard and softpalate?
  5. Write the development structure and different stages of dentogingival junction?
  6. Write briefly about epithelial attachment
  7. Age changes in oral mucosa
  8. Basement membrane
  9. Lining mucosa
  10. Structure on dorsum of tongue
  11. Odland bodies
  12. Classify oral mucous and describe keratinized mucosa?
  13. Define oral mucosa? Write in detail the microscopic and macroscopic features of gingiva?
  14. Histology of orthokeratinised epithelium

Short answers

  1. Circumvallate papillae
  2. Macrophages
  3. Free gingival groove
  4. Membranaperformatica
  5. Hemidesmosomes
  6. Gingival group of fibers
  7. Fungiform papillae
  8. Write briefly about the development of three stages of dentogingival junction
  9. Inner enamel epithelium
  10. Keratinized mucosa
  11. Nonkeratinized mucosa
  12. Specialized mucosa
  13. Lining mucosa
  14. Gingiva
  15. Vermillion zone of lip
  16. Difference between masticatory and lining mucosa
  17. Non-keratinocytes
  18. Keratinocytes
  19. Col
  20. Melanocytes
  21. Circumvallate papillae
  22. Dentogingival junction
  23. Changes in oral mucosa
  24. Langerhans cells
  25. Junctional epithelium
  26. Lamina propria
  27. Taste buds
  28. Keratohyalin granules
  29. Filiform papillae
  30. Mucogingival groove
  31. Epithelial attachment
  32. Reduced enamel epithelium
  33. Clinical and microscopic features of palatal mucosa
  34. Stratum granulosum
  35. Stratum basale
  36. Uvula
  37. Rugae
  38. Incisive papillae

Salivary glands

  1. Classify salivary glands and write about functions of saliva?
  2. Classify the salivary glands and enumerate the differences between the serous and mucous acini
  3. Write briefly about sublingual gland
  4. Functions of striated duct
  5. Anti-microbial properties of saliva
  6. Histology of sub mandibular salivary gland
  7. Explain in detail about the composition of saliva
  8. Describe briefly about ductal system of salivary glands?
  9. Classify salivary glands describe the parotid gland briefly?

Short answers

  1. Composition of saliva
  2. Ductal system of major salivary glands
  3. Serous cell
  4. Intercalated duct
  5. Von-ebner glands
  6. Salivary enzymes
  7. Whartons duct
  8. Intercalated duct
  9. Ptyalin
  10. Glands of bladin and nuhn
  11. Serous demilunes
  12. Basket cell
  13. Buffering of saliva
  14. Striated ducts
  15. Histology of mucous salivary glands
  16. Histology of minor salivary gland
  17. Serous and mucous cell
  18. Myoepithelial cell
  19. Stensons duct
  20. Striated duct

Tooth eruption

  1. Describe tooth eruption or describe in detail about pre-eruptive, eruption and post eruption tooth movements
  2. Mechanism of tooth eruption
  3. Root growth theory of eruption
  4. Describe briefly the theories of eruption of teeth ?add a note on clinical consideration related to tooth eruption
  5. Theory of calcification of hard tissue

Short answers

  1. Eruption dates of deciduous and permanent teeth
  2. Sequence of eruption of deciduous
  3. Sequence of maxillary teeth eruption
  4. Seeding theory
  5. booster mechanism
  6. Matrix negative vesicle theory
  7. Theories of calcification
  8. Active and passive eruption of teeth
  9. Theories of eruption
  10. PDL traction theory
  11. Succadeneous teeth
  12. Super numerary teeth

Shedding Of Deciduous Teeth

  1. Write briefly about shedding of deciduous teeth

Short answers

  • Osteoclasts
  • osteoblasts
  • Odontoclasts
  • Shedding of deciduous teeth
  • Clinical consideration of shedding
  • Gubercunacular cord aur canal

Temopromandibular joint

  1. Enumerate the ligaments of TMJ and their functions
  2. Write briefly about TMJ
  3. Articular capsule
  4. Articular disc
  5. Lateral pterygoid
  6. Medial pterygoid
  7. Anterior belly of digastric
  8. Functions of TMJ
  9. Masseter
  10. Mastication

Short answers

  1. Histology of TMJ
  2. Genial tubercle
  3. Exocytosis
  4. Movement of tmj
  5. Bony components of tmj
  6. Mandibular symphasis

Maxillary sinus

  1. Explain in detail about maxillary sinus
  2. Boundaries of maxillary sinus

Short answers

  1. Goblet cells
  2. Functions of maxillary sinus
  3. Anomalies of maxillary sinus
  4. Maxillary sinus
  5. Lining of maxillary sinus
  6. Function of maxillary antrum

Histo chemistry of oral tissue

  1. Describe the stages of tissue processing and write about fixation
  2. Fixation procedures and fixation
  3. Alkaline phosphatise/Robinsons alkaline phosphatase
  4. Fixation of tissues
  5. Frequently studied important enzymes
  6. Acid phosphatase
  7. Preparation of ground section of tooth
  8. Microtome

Short answers

  1. Stages in soft tissue processing
  2. Decalcification
  3. Xylene
  4. Toulidin blue
  5. Hematoxylin and eosin
  6. Ground substance


  1. Leeway space
  2. Deglutition
  3. Stages of deglutition
  4. Oral phase of deglutition
  5. Infantile swallowing
  6. Mechanism of deglutition
  7. Overjet and over bite
  8. Centric occlusion
  9. Factors affecting calcium metabolism


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