Development of Face and Oral Cavity
- Describe the development of face? Mention the congenital defects of oro-facial region
- Development of maxillary prominence
- Development of palate
- Primary development
- Neural crest cells
- Development of tongue
- Bucco pharyngeal membrane
- Hypobranchial eminence
- Tubeculum impar
- Meckel’s cartilage
Development and growth of teeth
- Describe the stages of tooth development and give note on life cycle of ameloblast
- Enumerate the stages of tooth development and give note on life cycle of ameloblast
- Describe the development of tooth in detail
- Describe the cap stage and bell stage of teeth in detail
- Draw a neat labelled diagram of tooth germ in bell stage and explain the role of each structure in detail
Short answers
- Dental formula for human dentition
- Structures derived from dental papilla
- Cap and bud stage tooth development
- Hertwigs epithelial root sheath
- Bell stage of tooth development
- Development of root
- Apposition
- Cap stage of tooth development
- Fate of dental lamina
- Stratum granulosum
- Dental lamina
- Dental lamina and vestibular lamina
Short essay
- Describe the physical and chemical properties of enamel
- Describe the structure of enamel
- Which are the hypocalcified areas of enamel
- Freeway space
- Describe in detail about enamel organ
- Explain the life cycle of ameloblast
- Amelogenesis
- Explain in detail about mineralization of enamel
- Clinical consideration of enamel
- Functions of reduced enamel epithelium
- Derivatives of neural crest cells
- Derivatives of dental papilla and dental sac
Short answers
- Enamel rods
- Gnarled enamel
- Formative phase of ameloblast
- Enamel lamellae
- Perikymata
- Dentinoenamel junction
- Enamel tuft
- Enamel spindles
- Age changes of enamel
- Nasmyths membrane
- Chemical composition of enamel
- Hunter schreger bands
- Neonatal line
- Pellicle
- Tomes process
- Enamel knot
- Enamel cord
- Surface structure of enamel
- Incremental lines of enamel
- Enamel cuticle
- Ameloblast
- Enamel hypoplasia
- Enamel rods
- Enamel niche
- What are the different types of dentin
- Chemical composition of dentin
- What are the physical and chemical properties of dentin
- Note on curvature of dentinal tubules
- Explain about the incremental lines in dentin
- What are the types of theories of dentinal sensitivity?
- Explain dentinogenesis
- Write a note on primary,secondary and teritiary dentin
- What is osteodentin
- Tomes granular layer
- Denticles
- Describe the hypocalcified structures of dentin
- Note on histology of dentinal tubules
- Write in detail the microscopic structures of dentin
- What are the age changes in dentin
- Explain the structure of dentin
Short answers
- Dentinal tubules
- Types of dentin
- Pre-dentin
- Circumpulpal dentin
- Secondary dentin
- Teritiary dentin
- Neonatal line
- Interglobular dentin
- Tomes granular layer
- Sclerotic dentin
- Dead tracts
- Odontoblasts
- Incremental/structural lines in dentin
- Intertubular dentin
- Hydrodynamic theory
- Tonofilaments
- Reparative dentin
- Curvatures in dentin
- Contour lines of owen
- Incremental lines of von-ebner
- Define pulp ?describe its functions
- Describe the microscopic structures of pulp
- Histology of pulp
- Describe briefly about pulp
- What are the age changes in pulp
- What are the different zones of pulp?
- What are the pulpal calcifications
- What are cementicles
- Clinical considerations of pulp
- Vonkorffs fibers
- Apical foramen
Short answers
- Cellular elements of pulp
- Undifferentiated mesenchmal cell
- Defence cells of pulp
- Decalcifying agents
- Accessory cannals
- What are pulp stones
- Zones of pulp
- Plexus of rashkow
- Describe the macroscopic and microscopic appearance of cementum
- Cementogenesis
- Types of cementoenamel junction
- Cellular cementum
- Acellular cementum
- Hypercementosis
- Cementocytes
- Difference between cellular and acellular cementum
- Intermediate cementum
Short answers
- Cellular cementum
- Cementicles
- Types of cementum
- Functions of cementum
- Cementoblasts
- Intermediate cementum
- Acellular cementum
- Age changes in cementum
- Incremental lines of salter
- Functional repair vs anatomic repair
- cementoid
- Histology of primary cementum
- Cementoenamel junction
- Cementocytes
- Hypercemtosis
Periodontal ligament
- Describe In detail histology and functions of pdl
- Principal fibres of periodontal ligament
- Cell rests of malassez
- Which are the resorptive cells of PDL
- Describe in detail structure of periodontal ligament
- pdl
Short answer
- Periodontium
- Fibronectin
- Sharpey fiber
- Alveolar crest group of fibers
- Oblique and apical group of PDL
- Transeptal fibers
- Bundle fibers of PDL
- Age changes in PDL
- Birbeck granules
- Principal fibers
- Protective function of pdl
- Odontoclasts
- Periodontal ligament traction
- Intermediate plexus
- Cell rests of malassez
- Oxytalin fibers
- Fibroblasts
- Periodontal ligament
- Cells of PDL
- Mast cell
- Define bone? Describe the structure of alveolar bone
- Write about the age changes in alveolar bone
- Lamina limitans
- apoptosis
- Sharpeys fibers
- Theories of calcification
- Alveolar bone proper
- Regulation of serum calcium level
- Composition of bone
- Factors affecting calcium
- Osteoblasts and osteoclasts
- Histology and functions of alveolar bone
- What are the types of bone
- Howships lacunae
- Osteon
- Cribriform plate
Short answers
- Osteoclasts
- Lamina dura
- Alveolar bone proper
- Volkmans canal
- Haversian system
- Exocytosis
- Osteoblasts
- What is the normal serum calcium level
- Alveolar bone
- Bundle bone
- Spongy bone
- Reversal line
Oral Mucous Membrane
- Classify oral mucous membrane and describe in detail about masticatory mucosa?
- Describe the lining mucosa
- Write about the specialised mucosa of the oral cavity
- Classify oral mucous membrane ?enumerate the histological differences between hard and softpalate?
- Write the development structure and different stages of dentogingival junction?
- Write briefly about epithelial attachment
- Age changes in oral mucosa
- Basement membrane
- Lining mucosa
- Structure on dorsum of tongue
- Odland bodies
- Classify oral mucous and describe keratinized mucosa?
- Define oral mucosa? Write in detail the microscopic and macroscopic features of gingiva?
- Histology of orthokeratinised epithelium
Short answers
- Circumvallate papillae
- Macrophages
- Free gingival groove
- Membranaperformatica
- Hemidesmosomes
- Gingival group of fibers
- Fungiform papillae
- Write briefly about the development of three stages of dentogingival junction
- Inner enamel epithelium
- Keratinized mucosa
- Nonkeratinized mucosa
- Specialized mucosa
- Lining mucosa
- Gingiva
- Vermillion zone of lip
- Difference between masticatory and lining mucosa
- Non-keratinocytes
- Keratinocytes
- Col
- Melanocytes
- Circumvallate papillae
- Dentogingival junction
- Changes in oral mucosa
- Langerhans cells
- Junctional epithelium
- Lamina propria
- Taste buds
- Keratohyalin granules
- Filiform papillae
- Mucogingival groove
- Epithelial attachment
- Reduced enamel epithelium
- Clinical and microscopic features of palatal mucosa
- Stratum granulosum
- Stratum basale
- Uvula
- Rugae
- Incisive papillae
Salivary glands
- Classify salivary glands and write about functions of saliva?
- Classify the salivary glands and enumerate the differences between the serous and mucous acini
- Write briefly about sublingual gland
- Functions of striated duct
- Anti-microbial properties of saliva
- Histology of sub mandibular salivary gland
- Explain in detail about the composition of saliva
- Describe briefly about ductal system of salivary glands?
- Classify salivary glands describe the parotid gland briefly?
Short answers
- Composition of saliva
- Ductal system of major salivary glands
- Serous cell
- Intercalated duct
- Von-ebner glands
- Salivary enzymes
- Whartons duct
- Intercalated duct
- Ptyalin
- Glands of bladin and nuhn
- Serous demilunes
- Basket cell
- Buffering of saliva
- Striated ducts
- Histology of mucous salivary glands
- Histology of minor salivary gland
- Serous and mucous cell
- Myoepithelial cell
- Stensons duct
- Striated duct
Tooth eruption
- Describe tooth eruption or describe in detail about pre-eruptive, eruption and post eruption tooth movements
- Mechanism of tooth eruption
- Root growth theory of eruption
- Describe briefly the theories of eruption of teeth ?add a note on clinical consideration related to tooth eruption
- Theory of calcification of hard tissue
Short answers
- Eruption dates of deciduous and permanent teeth
- Sequence of eruption of deciduous
- Sequence of maxillary teeth eruption
- Seeding theory
- booster mechanism
- Matrix negative vesicle theory
- Theories of calcification
- Active and passive eruption of teeth
- Theories of eruption
- PDL traction theory
- Succadeneous teeth
- Super numerary teeth
Shedding Of Deciduous Teeth
- Write briefly about shedding of deciduous teeth
Short answers
- Osteoclasts
- osteoblasts
- Odontoclasts
- Shedding of deciduous teeth
- Clinical consideration of shedding
- Gubercunacular cord aur canal
Temopromandibular joint
- Enumerate the ligaments of TMJ and their functions
- Write briefly about TMJ
- Articular capsule
- Articular disc
- Lateral pterygoid
- Medial pterygoid
- Anterior belly of digastric
- Functions of TMJ
- Masseter
- Mastication
Short answers
- Histology of TMJ
- Genial tubercle
- Exocytosis
- Movement of tmj
- Bony components of tmj
- Mandibular symphasis
Maxillary sinus
- Explain in detail about maxillary sinus
- Boundaries of maxillary sinus
Short answers
- Goblet cells
- Functions of maxillary sinus
- Anomalies of maxillary sinus
- Maxillary sinus
- Lining of maxillary sinus
- Function of maxillary antrum
Histo chemistry of oral tissue
- Describe the stages of tissue processing and write about fixation
- Fixation procedures and fixation
- Alkaline phosphatise/Robinsons alkaline phosphatase
- Fixation of tissues
- Frequently studied important enzymes
- Acid phosphatase
- Preparation of ground section of tooth
- Microtome
Short answers
- Stages in soft tissue processing
- Decalcification
- Xylene
- Toulidin blue
- Hematoxylin and eosin
- Ground substance
- Leeway space
- Deglutition
- Stages of deglutition
- Oral phase of deglutition
- Infantile swallowing
- Mechanism of deglutition
- Overjet and over bite
- Centric occlusion
- Factors affecting calcium metabolism
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