Long Essay

  1. Name the mucopolysaccharides andtheir what is their significance

Short Essays

  1. What are homopolysaccharides examplecomposition and function
  2. Describe the Structure and biomedicalimportance of disaccharides
  3. What are Polysaccharides
  4. Classify carbohydrates
  5. Mutarotation

Short Answers

  1. Name any two disaccharides and theircomposition
  2. Hetropoly saccharides examplecomposition and function
  3. Name disaccharides and their sources
  4. Why sucrose is a nonreducing sugar?
  5. What are epimers.
  6. Sphingomyelins.
  7. Why sucrose is called an invertsugar?
  8. Name the mucopolysaccharides Mentionthe importance of hyaluronic acid
  9. What is milk sugar
  10. Lactose
  11. What is cane sugar? Mention itscomposition
  12. What are anomers?Describe withexamples
  13. What is mutarotation?
  14. What are polysaccharides?Where arethey stored in the body?
  15. Composition and functions of twohomopolysaccharides
  16. Name the components of starch
  17. Explain digestions and absorption ofdiff dietary carbohydrate
  18. How does starch differ from glycogen?
  19. Name threeglycosaminoglycan’s(mucopolysaccharides)and mention their significance
  20. List four examples ofmucopolysacchrides


Long Essay

  1. What are compound lipids?Giveexamples along with theirfunctions

  Short Essays

  1. Classify lipids with suitable examples
  2. Describe in detail about Essential fatty acids and its function
  3. Explain essential fatty acids Give examples and write their functions What is their dietary importance?
  4.  Explain phospholipids Mention their functions Phospholipids structures and functions
  5. Add a note on cholesterol which is regarded as Good cholesterol

Short Answers

  1. Essential fatty acids(unsaturatedfatty acids)
  2. What are essential fatty acids?Giveexamples
  3. Name four functions of lipids
  4. In which form fats are stored inbody? Where is it stored?
  5. What are lecithins?Mention thephysiological importance of it   List twofunctions of phospholipids and give two examples of phospholipids
  6. Why vegetable fats can be preservedfor longer period than animal fats?
  7. Compounds derived from cholesterol
  8. Good cholesterol
  9. Normal serum cholesterol level value
  10. Clinical manifestations ofhypercholesterolemia
  11. Function of cholesterol
  12. Describe in detail about the Structureof cholesterol
  13. Write biological importance ofcholesterol


Short Essays

  1. What are semiessential amino acids.give example
  2. Classify amino acids with example
  3. Name essential amino acids anddiscuss their functions
  4. Enzyme of lipid digestion
  5. Primary and secondary structure of proteins
  6. Describe in detail about Denaturationof proteins
  7. Classify proteins based on functionswith two examples for each. Add a note on isoelectric pH of proteins
  8. Classify proteins based on theirstructure
  9. Digestion and absorption of dietaryprotein
  10. What are conjugated proteins? Givethree examples

Short Answers

  1. Classify amino acids based onnutritional importance and givetwo examples for each
  2. Name the sulphur containing aminoacids
  3. Name essential amino acids
  4. Dietary sources of essential aminoacids
  5. Primary structure of protein
  6. Which are the general tests forprotein
  7. Describe in detail about Denaturationof proteins
  8. Define creatine clearance test?
  9. What are zwitterions?
  10. Name three conjugated proteins andtheir significance
  11. Name any four conjugated proteins
  12. Kwashirkor and marasmus  
  13. Name some biologically activepeptides


1.Nucleotides and their function’s

Transfer RNA

Short Answers

  1. What are nucleosides and nucleotides?Give examples of each one
  2. Describe in detail about Pyrimidinebases
  3. Describe DNA structure
  4. Three differences between DNA and RNA
  5. Name different types of RNA and theirfunctions
  6. Watson and crick model of DNAstructure .
  7. Types of Rna .
  8. Transfer rna
  9. T rna
  10. Structure and functions of mRNA


Short Essays

  1. Classification of enzymes with oneexample for each class
  2. Name four factors which affect anenzyme catalyzed reaction Discuss any one in detail
  3. Describe the competitive inhibitionof enzymes with examplesand its clinical significance
  4. Discuss enzyme specificity Describemechanism-of enzyme action in detail
  5. Describe enzyme inhibition in detail
  6. Different types of enzyme inhibitionand their significance
  7.  Competitive inhibition and non-competitiveinhibition
  8. Explain competitive inhibition? Howcompetitive inhibitors are used as pharmacological agents? Give two examples
  9. Features and examples for competitiveand feedback inhibition    Clinicallyimportant enzymes and its significance
  10. Discuss about the clinical importanceof enzymes with their normal values and clinical significance
  11. Name five clinically important enzymesin plasma
  12. Indicate their normal values andclinical significance
  13. Clinically important transaminases
  14. Enzyme specific type and explainmechanism of enzyme action
  15. Enzyme changes in liver disease
  16. What is SGOT.What is normal range andclinical imp
  17. SGPT same
  18. Describe about Isoenzymes
  19. Explain isoenzymes Name them(anythree)and give their clinical importance
  20. Enzyme changes in liver disease

Short Answers

  1. Describe the term Km and Vmax
  2. Enzymes lose their biologicalactivity on boiling Explain
  3. What are proenzymes?Give two examplesMention their significance
  4. Metallic enzymes
  5. What is the Significance of alkalinephosphatase and acid phosphatase
  6. Discuss the clinical importance ofalkaline phosphatase
  7. Discuss the clinical importance ofacid phosphatase with its normal ranges
  8.  What are isoenzymes?Explain with examples
  9. LDH isoenzyme
  10. Name two clinically importanttransaminases or amino transferases
  11. CPK(creatinine phosphokinase)
  12. Alkaline phosphatase
  13. Significance of estimation ofalkaline phosphatase in blood


Long Essays

  1. Describe the formation of active formof vitamin D Describe its biochemical(metabolic)functions,sources, dailyrequirement and deficiency manifestations of vitamin D

Short Essays

  1. Vitamin A deficiency
  2. Write thesources,requirement,functions and deficiencymanifestations of vitamin D
  3. Mechanism of action of vitamin D
  4. Vitamin D deficiency
  5. Vitamin K
  6. What role does the vitamin K takespart in coagulation of blood?
  7. Give a note on Ascorbic acid
  8. Diff types and features of beriberi
  9. Coenzyme of riboflavin and niacin
  10. Disease caused by dificiency ofvitb12and niacin
  11. Write the sources,daily requirementand functions of vitamin K
  12. Describe the functions of vitamin A
  13. Provitamins
  14. Visual cycle(rhodopsin cycle)
  15. Describe the role of vitamin A invisual cycle
  16. Ascorbic acid-functions
  17. Functions and deficiency of ascorbicacid(vitamin C)
  18. Write in detail about Thiamine andits deficiency manifestation
  19. Biological functions of pyridoxine

Short Answers

  1. What are fat soluble vitamins?
  2. Name the vitamins necessary forneurological functions  
  3. Name hemopoietic vitamins
  4. What are the Functions of vitamin A
  5. describe the features of vitamin Adeficiency
  6. which all are the active forms ofvitamin D?
  7. what are the Deficiencymanifestations of vitamin D
  8. Enumerate the two biochemicalfunctions of vitamin C   Write a shortnote on scurvy
  9. Write two reactions in which niacinin used as a coenzyme    What are thefeatures of niacin deficiency?
  10. Coenzyme functions of pyridoxine~
  11. Pellagra
  12. What are the diseases caused bydeficiency of  a Niacin b Vitamin B(Cobalamin)
  13. Functions of cyanocobalamin
  14. Pernicious anaemia
  15. Ascorbic acid deficiency
  16. describe the role of thiamine
  17. what are the Coenzymes of riboflavinand niacin
  18. Coenzymes of niacin and pyridoxine
  19. Coenzyme forms and deficiency ofniacin


Short Essays

  1. Describe the digestion and absorptionof dietary protein
  2. Digestion and absorption of triacylglycerols

Short Answers

  1. Pancreatic hormones


Short Essays

  1. What are Plasma proteins and itsfunctions
  2. What are the Functions of albumin
  3. Explain separation of plasma proteinby electrophoresis
  4. Diff type immunoglobulin and it’sfunctions
  5. Write in brief about immunoglobulin

Short Answers

  1. Mention four functions of plasmaproteins
  2. What is ceruloplasmin?


Short Essay

  1. Write briefly on the structure andfunction of haemoglobin
  2. Name one abnormal Hb

Short Answer

  1. What is jaundice? What are thedifferent types?


Short Essays

  • Respiratory chain
  • Oxidative phosphorylation

Short Answers

  1. Vander bergh test
  2. Oxidative deamination
  3. Electron transport chain
  4. What is meant by substrate levelphosphorylation and give one example
  5. Describe about oxidativephosphorylation and give one example
  6. Name the various ATP sites in therespiratory chain


Long Essays

  1. Explain glycolysis Describe the stepsof glycolysis and its energetics Mention its significance
  2. Explain the steps of glycolysis in anactively exercising muscle Add a note on energetics
  3. Describe the anaerobic glycolysis inmuscle and compare the energetics
  4. Write the reactions of the citricacid cycle how is pyruvate converted to acetyl CoA?
  5. Outline the steps of TCA(citricacid)cycle and compute the energetics
  6. Describe the pathway by whichglycogen is synthesized and broken down in the body Add a note on theregulation ofthese pathways
  7. Describe glycogen synthesis in liverand its hormonal regulation  Describeglycogenolysis,role of hormones in glycogenolysis and functional significanceof glycogen
  8. Describe glycogenesis and factorinfluencing blood sugar level
  9. Functional significance of glycogen
  10. How Glyco gen synthesized in the body
  11. Von geks disease
  12. Glycogen storage disease
  13. How many ATP molecules are producedin aerobic and anaerobic glycolysis
  14. Key enzyme of gluconeogenesis
  15. Cori cycle
  16. Describe the breakdown of glycogen inthe body (glycogenolysis)
  17. Explain gluconeogenesis and describeits pathway
  18. Describe the hexose monophosphateshunt(pentose phosphate)pathway What is the significance of this pathway?

Short Essays

  1. How is glycogen synthesized in thebody?
  2. Describe glycogenolysis andglycogenesis
  3. Give an account of glycogen storagediseases
  4. Significance of hexose monophosphateshunt

Short Answers

  1. Significance of glycolysis
  2. How many ATP molecules are producedin

a Aerobic glycolysis

b Anaerobic glycolysis

  • Explain gluconeogenesis?Name fewgluconeogenic substances   Name the keyenzymes of gluconeogenesis
  • What is galactosemia?
  • What is the defect in galactosemia?
  • What is the significance of HMP shuntpathway?


  1. Long Essays
  2. (Describe the beta-oxidation of fattyacids(palmitic acid)and its energetics
  3. Give an account of beta-oxidation offatty acids and give the energetics on oxidation of one molecule of palmiticacid
  4. Explain lipoproteins  Classify lipoproteins and describe their functions

Short Essays

  1. Describe beta-oxidation of fatty acid
  2. Name the ketone bodies  How are they formed? Mention two causes ofketosis
  3. Ketone bodies
  4. Briefly give the pathway ofketogenesis How is the presence ofketone bodies in urine detected?
  5. Compounds of biochemical importancederived from the
  6. cholesterol
  7. Cholesterol degradation
  8. Lipoproteins and its functions
  9. Name the plasma lipoproteins Describethe functions of LDL
  10. and HDL in cholesterol transport
  11. Write the normal plasma cholesterollevel and add a note on atherosclerosis

Short Answers

  1. Name ketone bodies and two conditionsin which they are
  2. excreted
  3. Name the ketone bodies Mention thetests used for detection of ketone bodies
  4. What is ketosis? List two causes ofketosis
  5. Compounds derived from cholesterol
  6. What is the normal serum cholesterolvalue?Write clinical
  7. manifestation ofhypercholesterolemia?
  8. Bile salts
  9. Bile acids
  10. Functions of bile salts
  11. Bile pigment-formation
  12. Classify lipoproteins and describethe function of any two
  13. lipoproteins
  14. What are the various fractions ofplasma lipoproteins?
  15. IDL
  16. Fatty liver
  17. What is fatty liver and give examplefor lipotropic substances


Long assays

  1. Describe urea cycle Discuss clinicalsignificance of blood urea level
  2. Describe urea cycle and mentioninborn errors associated in the cycle
  3. Describe urea cycle Name twoconditions that change blood and urine urea levels

Short Essays

  1. Synthesis of urea in the human body
  2. Describe the urea cycle
  3. How is creatin-P synthesized?
  4. Substances formed from tyrosine
  5. What is phenylketonuria and albinism?

Short Answers

  1. Transamination 
  2. Give the enzyme and cofactorsnecessary for transamination reaction
  3. Give one example each fortransamination and deamination ofamino acids
  4. Write the reactions by which ammoniais formed
  5. Where is urea synthesized?What ismeant by uremia?
  6. Hyperammonemia type I
  7. Name the inborn errors of metabolismin phenylalanine pathwayand mention the enzyme which is missing in each case
  8. Describe phenylketonuria
  9. What is alkaptonuria?
  10. What is albinism?
  11. Tryptophan is necessary in our diet Otherwiseit will lead to
  12. deficiency manifestation Describe
  13. Active methionine
  14. Sulphur containing amino acids
  15. Whats is S-adenosyl methionine ?howis it formed and what is its importance?  

Short Answer

  1. Describe the protein sparing action of carbohydrates


Long Essays

  1. Write about dietary sources,factors influencing absorption,biochemical functions and daily requirement of calcium
  2. Discuss the functions of calcium in human body Describe the homeostasis of blood calcium
  3. What is the normal serum calcium level?Add a note on its regulation

Short Essays

  1. Describe calcium metabolism with regulation
  2. What is the normal serum calcium level?Describe the hormonal regulation of serum calcium level
  3. Functions of calcium
  4. Regulation of serum calcium
  5. Calcium and phosphorus in the body
  6. Absorption and functions of iron Short Answers
  7. Name two trace elements and their biological role
  8. What is the normal serum calcium level? List two functions of calcium
  9. Four functions of calcium
  10. Hormones involved in calcium homeostasis
  11. Name the hormones which regulate serum calcium level
  12. Potassium balance
  13. Sources and absorption of iron
  14. Transferrin
  15. Importance of iodine
  16. What are the functions of iodine and fluorine in humans?
  17. Describe the functions and deficiency of fluorine
  18. Write a brief note on importance of fluorine in nutrition
  19. Fluorosis
  20. Dental fluorosis
  21. What is the importance of fluoride in dentistry?
  22. Role of fluoride in prevention of dental caries


Short Essays

  1. What is the normal pH of the blood?Describethe various mechanisms by which it is regulated
  2. Describe the role of kidney inacid-base balance
  3. Describe creatinine clearance test  

 Metabolic acidosis

Short Answers

  1. Buffer systems in the blood
  2. Describe acidosis
  3. Metabolic acidosis


Short Essays

  1. Write the nutritional importance ofdietary fiber Describe brieflyabout balanced diet
  2. Balanced diet
  3. Explain basal metabolic rate(BMR) Listany four factors affecting BMR

Short Answers

  1. What is calorie?Mention the calorificvalue of carbohydrates, proteins and fats
  2. What is balanced diet?
  3. Explain BMR(basal metabolic rate)
  4. Explain SDA and its importance
  5. Discuss the nutritional importance ofdietary fiber Insulin, Glucose Homeostasis, and DiabetesMellitus

Long Essay

  1. Describe the regulation of bloodglucose Add a note on disorders of blood glucose regulation
  2. What is normal fasting blood glucose

Short Essays

  1. Regulation of blood glucose
  2. GTT
  3. Oral glucose tolerance test
  4. Describe glucose tolerance test withreference to normal and
  5. mild glucose tolerance test curves

Short Answers

  1. What are the hormones which increasesthe blood sugar level?  What isglycosuria?Mention the normal renal threshold for glucose


short essay

  1. Pathological constituents of urine Howwill you detect
  2. (biochemical test)blood in the urine?

Short Answers

  1. Significance of blood urea estimation
  2. Name three antioxidants
  3. Lactosuria
  4. Hydrolysis of starch in thelaboratory
  5. What will be the findings in FTM in acase of duodenal ulcer?  What areabnormal constituents of urine?How will you detectblood in the urine?
  6. What is the normal serum level of UreaGlucoseCholesteroI
  7. Give the normal values of the following a Blood ureaSerum cholesterolSerum calciumSerum alkaline phosphatase
  8. Write the normal range of Blood urea,Blood sugar,Serum Calcium,Serum total protein.
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