1. Classify fibrous joint
  2. Primary cartilaginous joint
  3. Name the features of synovial joint
  4. Multipolar neurons
  5. Name four types of cells found in the connective tissue
  6. Neurobiotaxis
  7. Epiphysis of long bone-Types with examples
  8. Blood supply of a long bone
  9. Enlist the various sets of arteries supplying the long bone

Short Answers



Short Essays

  1. Boundaries and structures passing through superior orbital fissure and  age changes in mandible
  2. Hyoid bone-General features,attachments and development
  3. Atlas vertebra(first cervical vertebrae)
  4. Symphysis menti
  5. Metopic suture
  6. Zygomatic bone
  7. Mastoid process
  8. Foramen magnum
  9. Name the structures passing through the foramen magnum

Short Answers

  1. Lateral pterygoid plate
  2. Foramen ovale and structures passing through it
  3. Foramen magnum and structures passing through it
  4. Jugular foramen and structures passing through it
  5. Optic canal
  6. Internal auditory meatus
  7. List out four structures passing through superior orbital fissure    Symphysis menti
  8. Name the muscles attached to the ramus of the mandible
  9. Give the formation of bregma and why it is known as in the fetal skull
  10. Zygomatic arch
  11. Mastoid process and muscles attached to it
  12. Pterion and its clinical aspects
  13. Mention the bones forming the hard palate
  14. Ligaments of mandible
  15. Pterygomandibular raphe
  16. Give the attachments of pterygomandibular raphe and name the muscles attached to it
  17. Name four arteries related to the ramus of the mandible
  18. Development of sphenomandibular ligament and structures piercing it
  19. Name the bones reducing the size of maxillary hiatus
  20. Name any four processes of the maxilla
  21. Hyoid bone
  22. Body of the hyoid bone
  23. Structure passing through the anterior condylar canal
  24. Name any four muscles attached to the hyoid bone
  25. Name the muscles attached to greater horn of the hyoid
  26. Atlas vertebra
  27. Give the special features of first cervical vertebra


Long Essays

  1. Explain the scalp under the following headings:(a)Extent,(b)Layers,(c)Blood supply,(d)Nerve supply,(e)Applied anatomy
  2. Explain the arterial supply and venous drainage of face

Short Essays

  1. Orbicularis oculi(parts, attachment, nerve supply, and actions)   Orbicularis Oris
  2. Buccinator muscle
  3. Platysma and its nerve supply
  4. Give the sensory(cutaneous)innervation of the face
  5. Facial artery(in the face)-Extent, course, branches, and applied anatomy
  6. Veins of face
  7. Layers of the scalp with applied aspects
  8. Loose areolar tissue layer of the scalp and its applied anatomy   Emissary veins 
  9. Sensory and motor nerve supply of the scalp
  10. Give the formation, course, and termination of the facial vein    Lacrimal gland
  11. Applied anatomy of the scalp 
  12. Bell’s palsy

Short Answers

  1. Formation course and termination of facial vein
  2. Branches of facial artery of the neck
  3. Cervical branches of facial artery
  4. 3 rd part of maxillary artery
  5. Nerve supply of scalp
  6. Nerve supply(cutaneous innervation)of anterior quadrant ofscalp
  7. Nerve supply of scalp-posterior quadrant only
  8. Name any six muscles of facial expression
  9. Actions of orbicularis oculi muscle
  10. Name the layers of the scalp
  11. Epicranial aponeurosis
  12. Emissary veins
  13. Buccinator muscle
  14. Platysma
  15. Mention the sensory nerve supply of face
  16. Facial vein(commencement and termination)
  17. Name the structures constituting lacrimal apparatus
  18. Lacrimal gland
  19. Nasolacrimal duct
  20. Dangerous layers of scalp
  21. Bell’s palsy
  22. Retromandibular vein(formation and termination)
  23. Give the formation and termination of anterior facial vein    Dangerous area of face


Long Essay

  1. Explain boundaries and contents of the posterior triangle

Short Essays

  1. External jugular vein(formation,course,tèrmination and tributaries)
  2. Give the attachments,nerve supply and actions of Sternocleidomastoid muscle what is torticollis?
  3. General investing layer of deep cervical fascia
  4. Pretracheal fascia
  5. Carotid sheath(formation, contents)
  6. Boundaries and contents of posterior triangle

Short Answers

  1. Pharyngobasilar fascia
  2. External jugular vein-formation and termination
  3. Name four tributaries of external jugular vein
  4. Sternocleidomastoid muscle(nerve supply and actions)
  5. Sternocleidomastoid muscle and its relations
  6. Mention the layers of fascia colli
  7. Pretracheal fascia
  8. Carotid sheath(only contents and their relations)
  9. Name any four nerves related to the posterior border of
  10. sternocleidomastoid muscle


Short Answers

  1. Suboccipital muscles
  2. Name the boundaries of suboccipital triangle
  3. Content of suboccipital triangle


long Essays

  1. Explain the situation,relations,blood supply, nerve supply and histology of pituitary gland
  2. Classify the dural venous sinuses Explain in detail the position,Formation,contents,relations,tributaries and connections and applied anatomy of cavernous sinus

Short Essays

  1. Cavernous sinus-situation,communication and tributaries
  2. Superior sagittal sinus
  3. Inferior sagittal sinus
  4. Sigmoid sinus
  5. Mention the relations of pituitary gland
  6. Trigeminal ganglion in middle cranial fossa
  7. Falx cerebri
  8. Tentorium cerebelli
  9. Middle meningeal artery

Short Answers

  1. Name the dural venous sinuses situated in tentorium cerebelli   Falx cerebelli
  2. Structures in the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus
  3. Name any four tributaries of the cavernous sinus
  4. Extracranial communications of the cavernous sinus
  5. Superior sagittal venous sinus
  6. The confluence of dural venous sinuses
  7. Straight venous sinus
  8. Falx cerebri-attachment and sinuses within it
  9. Tentorium cerebelli
  10. Transverse sinus
  11. Sensory nuclei of trigeminal nerve


Long Essay

  1. Explain the extraocular muscles of the eyeball under the following headings-origin,insertion,nerve supply and action

Short Essays

  1. The superior oblique muscle of the eyeball
  2. Levator palpebrae superioris
  3. Ophthalmic artery
  4. Ciliary ganglion
  5. Extraocular muscles and their actions `
  6. Lateral rectus muscle of the eyeball

Short Answers

  1. Levator palpebrae superioris
  2. Actions of the oblique muscle of eyeball
  3. Name the artery which runs in the optic nerve What is its importance?
  4. Ciliary ganglion
  5. Short ciliary nerves
  6. Name the branches of nasociliary nerve
  7. Branches of the ophthalmic nerve
  8. The facial sheath of the eyeball
  9. Extraocular muscles and their nerve supply
  10. Superior rectus muscle of eyeball and its action


Long Essay

  1. Explain the boundaries and contents of the carotid triangle
  2. Enumerate the branches of external carotid artery

Short Essays

  1. Omohyoid muscle and its attachments
  2. Enumerate the boundaries and contents of the carotid triangle
  3. Branches of the external carotid artery and its course
  4. Infrahyoid muscles
  5. Lingual artery
  6. Ansa cervicalis (formation, branches, and distribution)

Short Answers

  1. Infrahyoid muscle
  2. Mention the named branches of the lingual artery
  3. Name four branches of facial artery in the neck
  4. Name the cervical branches of the facial artery
  5. Ansa cervicalis
  6. Inferior belly of omohyoid
  7. Submental triangle
  8. Contents of the diagastric triangle
  9. Branches of the external carotid artery in the carotid triangle
  10. Branches of external carotid artery


Long Essays

  1. Explain the parotid gland under the following headings: (a)Position and coverings,(b)Morphology and surfaces,(c)Relations,(d)Blood supply,(e)Nerve supply(secretomotor pathway),(f)Structures within the gland,(g)Applied anatomy,(h)Histology

Short Essays

  1. The parotid duct(course, structures pierced and termination)
  2. Explain the structures deeply related to the parotid gland
  3. Explain the structures passing through the parotid gland

Short Answers

  1. Name the structures present inside the parotid gland
  2. Name the arteries seen in the substance of the parotid gland
  3. Parotid duct opening
  4. Nerve supply of parotid gland


Long Essays

  1. Explain the muscles of mastication under the following headings(a)Origin,(b)Insertion,(c)Nerve supply,(d)Actions and (e)Development
  2. Define muscles of mastication, Name them and Explain attachments relations, nerve supply and actions of the lateral pterygoid muscle
  3. Explain the maxillary artery under the following headings:(a)Origin,(b)Termination,(c)Course,(d)Parts,(e)Relations and(f)Enumerate branches from each part
  4. Explain the temporomandibular joint under the following headings:(a)Type,(b)Articulating bones and articular surfaces,(c)Capsule,(d)Intraarticular disc,(e)Ligaments,(f)Relations,(g)Movements with axes,(h)Muscles producing movements,(i)Blood supply,(j)Nerve supply and(k)Applied anatomy
  5. Explain the movements of the temporomandibular joint and mention the muscles producing these movements What are the factors responsible for its stability?
  6. Explain the mandibular nerve under the following headings:(a)Roots(origin),(b)Fibers it contains,(c)Termination,(d)Course and relations,(e)Branches and distribution and(f)Applied aspect

Short Essays

  1. Boundaries and contents of the infratemporal fossa
  2. Muscles of mastication
  3. Explain the origin, course, and distribution of auriculotemporal nerve  Lingual nerve
  4. Explain the innervation of the lower jaw
  5. Inferior alveolar-nerve
  6. Origin course distribution of Auriculotemporal nerve
  7. Describe innervation of the lower jaw
  8. Otic ganglion
  9. Masseter muscle(origin, insertion, nerve supply, and action)
  10. Explain the origin, insertion, nerve supply and action of
  11. Mention the boundaries and contents of the infra-temporal fossa
  12. Add a note on otic ganglion
  13. temporalis muscle
  14. Lateral pterygoid muscle(attachments, relations, and nerve supply)
  15. Pterygoid plexus of veins
  16. Mandibular nerve

Short Answers

  1. Lateral pterygoid muscle-Attachments
  2. Name the branches from the first part of the maxillary artery
  3. Name the ligaments of temporomandibular joint
  4. Sphenomandibular ligament
  5. Terminal branches of the inferior alveolar nerve
  6. Name the muscles supplied by the inferior alveolar nerve
  7. Articular disc of temporomandibular joint
  8. Name the muscles that depress the mandible
  9. Name the branches from the anterior trunk of the mandibular nerve 
  10. Lingual nerve
  11. Inferior alveolar nerve
  12. Otic ganglion-secretomotor fibers to which gland


Long Essays

  1. Explain the submandibular salivary gland under the following headings:(a)Position,(b)Covering,(c)Surfaces and relations,(d)Histology,(e)Blood supply,(f)Nerve supply and(g)Applied anatomy

Short Essays

  1. Give the attachments nerve supply and relations of the digastric muscle
  2. Give the attachments, relations, nerve supply and actions of the mylohyoid muscle
  3. Give the attachments, relations, nerve supply and actions of the hyoglossus muscle
  4. Hyoglossus muscle-nerve supply, actions
  5. Relations of the hyoglossus muscle
  6. Submandibular salivary gland
  7. Submandibular ganglion

Short Answers

  1. Give the development and nerve supply of diagastric muscle
  2. Oral diaphragm
  3. Median raphe of mylohyoid muscle
  4. Submandibular duct
  5. Relations of posterior belly of digastric muscle
  6. Digastric muscle


Long Essays

  1. Explain the thyroid gland under the following headings:(a)The situation, parts, coverings,(b)Parts and relations,(c)Blood and nerve supply,(d)Lymphatic drainage,(e)Applied anatomy and (f)Development

Short Essays

  1. Blood supply of thyroid gland
  2. Internal jugular vein-formation,termination and tributaries   Superior cervical ganglion-situation and branches
  3. Scalenus anterior muscle(origin,insertion and relations)
  4. Styloid apparatus
  5. Styloid process of temporal bone(Introduction,structures
    attached and development)

Short Answers

  1. Name any four structures related to the medial surface of:
  2. Superior cervical sympathetic ganglion
  3. Deep cervical lymph nodes
  4. Vertical chain of deep cervical lymph node
  5. Styloid process of the temporal bone
  6. Name any four structures attached to the styloid process
  7. Muscles attached to the styloid process
  8. Ligaments of the styloid process
  9. Stylohyoid ligament
  10. Thyroid gland
  11. Isthmus of the thyroid gland
  12. Blood supply of thyroid gland
  13. Name the arteries supplying the thyroid gland
  14. Internal jugular vein(formation and termination)
  15. Name any four tributaries of internal jugular vein


Short Essays

  1. Give the extent, relations, parts, branches of vertebral artery  
  2. Atlanto-occipital joint
  3. Atlanto-axial joint

Short Answer

  • Vertebral artery


Long Essays

  1. Describe the origin, course, insertion, nerve supply and actions of muscles of the soft palate
  2. Explain the pharynx under the following headings:(a)Extent,(b)Relations,(c)Subdivisions,(d)Blood supply,(e)Nerve supply
  3. Explain the palatine tonsil under the following headings:(a)Location,(b)Relation,(c)Blood supply and nerve supply,(d)Lymphatic drainage,(e)Applied anatomy,(f)Development and (g)Microscopic anatomy

Short Essays

  1. Explain with suitable diagram the structure of the tooth
  2. Laryngopharynx
  3. Inferior constrictor muscle(attachment, nerve supply, and actions)
  4. Give a short account of the parts, relations, and functions of auditory tube
  5. Soft palate
  6. nasopharynx
  7. Constrictors of pharynx
  8. Superior constrictor muscle of pharynx(attachment, nerve supply, and actions)
  9. Give the muscles of the soft palate and the nerve supply
  10. Role of palatal muscles in deglutition
  11. Nasopharynx-Boundaries and internal features
  12. Define nasopharynx Give its extent and features in its lateral wall   Oropharynx
  13. Palatine tonsil(gross features and relations)

Short Answers

  1. Structure of tooth(Labeled diagram only)
  2. Name any four structures related to the lateral surface of the Palatine tonsil
  3. Piriform fossa
  4. Enumerate any four muscles which are supplied by branches from pharyngeal plexus
  5. Auditory tube(Parts,length,openings and functions)
  6. Name the boundaries and clinical importance of piriform fossa
  7. Give any four layers of the pharyngeal wall
  8. Buccopharyngeal fascia
  9. Palatine aponeurosis
  10. Nerve supply to the soft palate
  11. Muscles of the soft palate(Name Them)
  12. List the lymphatic nodules in the Waldeyer’s ring
  13. Name the parts of Waldeyer’s ring
  14. Enumerate for relations of inferior constrictor muscle of pharynx  
  15. Enumerate the structures passing between middle and inferior constrictor muscles of pharyrx
  16. Nerve supply of pharynx
  17. Name the nerves forming pharyngeal plexus


Long Essays

  1. Explain the lateral wall of the nose under the following headings:(a)Bones and cartilage taking part,(b)Parts and features,(c)Openings,(d)Blood supply and nerve supply, (e)Applied aspect
  2. Explain the paranasal air sinuses Add a note on its innervation and applied anatomy
  3. Name the paranasal air sinuses
  4. Explain the maxillary nerve

under the following headings:(a)Origin,(b)Termination
(c)Course and branches,(d)Branches and distribution,(e)Applied anatomy

  • Explain the maxillary nerve under the following headings:

(a)Origin,(b)Termination,(c)Course and relations,(d)Branches and distribution,(e)Applied anatomy

Short Essays

  1. Maxillary air sinus(Location,boundaries,relations,nerve supplyand applied anatomy)
  2. Give the boundaries,relations and applied anatomy of sphenoidal air sinus
  3. Explain the measurement,boundaries,relations,drainage of
  4. Nasal septum
  5. Give the blood and nerve supply of the nasal septum
  6. Lateral wall of nose
  7. Middle meatus of the nose
  8. development and clinical importance of frontal air sinus
  9. ganglion(sphenopalatine ganglion)

Short Answers

  1. Middle meatus of nose
  2. Name the ethmoidal air sinuses and which ethmoidal air sinus opens into the middle meatus
  3. Openings in the middle meatus of the nose
  4. Superior meatus of nose
  5. Septum of nose
  6. Inferior meatus of nose
  7. Mention the paranasal sinuses opening into superior meatus of nose
  8. Give the nerve supply of lateral wall of nasal cavity
  9. Mention four nerves supplying of the lateral wall of the nasal cavity
  10. Maxillary air sinus(Shape and opening)
  11. Sphenoidal air sinuses
  12. Blood supply of nasal septum
  13. Give the nerve supply of nasal septum
  14. Mention the bones forming the nasal septum
  15. Name the skeleton of nasal septum


Long Essays

  1. Explain the larynx under the following headings:(a)Extent,(b)Parts,(c)Vocal folds and (d)Nerve supply

Short Essays

  1. The cavity of larynx (Interior of larynx)
  2. Vocal folds(Vocal cords)-attachment and movements
  3. Cricoid cartilage
  4. Nerve supply  of iris
  5. Saccule
  6. Muscles of larynx
  7. Thyroid cartilage
  8. Briefly explain the extent, salient features and nerve supply of Attachments, nerve supply, actions of(cricothyroid muscle )

Short Answers

  1. Name any four cartilages of larynx
  2. Give the boundaries of the rima glottidis  
  3. Vocal folds(Vocal cords)
  4. Name the intrinsic muscles of the larynx and give their nerve supply
  5. Nerve supply and action of cricothyroid muscle
  6. Action and insertion of cricoarytenoid  


Long Essay

  1. Explain the tongue under the headings:(a)Gross External features(Dorsum of the tongue),(b)Muscles,(c)Nerve supply,(d)Lymphatic drainage,(e)Development(with co-relation to innervations),(f)Histology

Short Essays

  1. Give the origin,insertion,nerve supply and action of genioglossus muscle
  2. Lymphatic drainage of tongue
  3. Nerve supply of tongue

Short Answers

  1. Foliate papillae of tongue
  2. Mention any four muscles of tongue
  3. Lymphatic drainage of tongue
  4. Types of papillae over the tongue
  5. Nerve supply of the tongue
  6. Give the sensory nerve supply of tongue


Short Essays

  1. Briefly Explain the features on the medial wall of the middle ear
  2. Explain in detail about Tympanic membrane
  3. Give position,nerve supply and development of the tympanic membrane

Short Answers

  1. Tympanic membrane
  2. Name the structures within the tympanic membrane
  3. Anterior wall of middle ear
  4. Name the muscle of tympanic cavity and give their nerve supply  


Long Essays

  1. Explain the extracranial course ofthe facial nerve under the following headings:(a)Exit from the cranial cavity,(b)Courseand relations,(c)Branches,(d)Distribution,(e)Applied aspects  
  2. Explain the course,relations and branches of the facial nervein the face Add a note on its applied anatomy
  3. Explain the hypoglossal nerve under the following headings:(a)Nuclear origin,(b)Course,(c)Relations,(d)Branches anddistribution,(e)Applied anatomy

Short Essays

  1. Chorda tympani nerve
  2. Vagus nerve in neck
  3. Intrapetrous part of facial nerve
  4. Extracranial course and distribution of facial nerve
  5. Facial nerve in face
  6. Recurrent laryngeal nerve
  7. Pterygopalatine ganglion

Short Answers

  1. Name any four ganglion associated with trigeminal nerve
  2. Mention the muscles supplied by the oculomotor nerve

The Orbit

  1. Functional components of oculomotor nerve
  2. Name any four muscles supplied by the recurrent laryngeal nerve   
  3. Give any four muscles supplied by the hypoglossal nerve
  4. Name the branches of facial nerve within the petrous part of temporal bone
  1. Branches of facial nerve
  2. Chorda tympani nerve
  3. Recurrent laryngeal nerve
  4. glossopharyngeal nerve
  5. Name cranial nerves
  6. List the branches of the facial nerve soon after its emergence through the stylomastoid foramen


Short Essays

  1. Explain the boundaries and contents of interpeduncular fossa   Give the parts, blood supply, relations, and applied anatomy of the internal capsule
  2. Corpus Callosum
  3. Inferior Horn Of Lateral Ventricle
  4. Deep Intra Cerebellar nuclei


Short Answers

  1. what is the blood supply to spinal cord
  2. Explain about circle of Willis(draw and label only)


Short Essays

  1. Primitive streak
  2. Mitosis
  3. Brachial Cyst
  4. Formation of notochord
  5. Yolk sac
  6. Chromosome
  7. Sex chromosomes
  8. Oogenesis
  9. Graafian follicle
  10. Corpus luteum
  11. Implantation-Definition, mechanism and abnormal sites
  12. Give the development of the placenta and the associated anomalies   Somites and their derivatives
  13. pharyngeal arch
  14. Derivatives of the first branchial(pharyngeal)arch(cartilaginous and muscular derivatives)
  15. Mention the derivatives of the second branchial arch
  16. Derivatives of third branchial arch
  17. Development of hyoid bone
  18. Derivatives of I-IV endodermal pouches of the pharynx and ultimobranchial body
  19. Development of parathyroid glands
  20. Development of thyroid gland and its anomalies
  21. Development of mandible
  22. Frontonasal process of embryo
  23. Maxillary process of embryo
  24. Development of face and anomalies
  25. Development of upper lip and its anomalies
  26. Development of palate and anomalies
  27. Development of tooth
  28. Development of tongue
  29. Development of tonsil
  30. Give the development of the submandibular gland and its anomalies   
  31. Development of pituitary gland
  32. Give the development of the retina
  33. Down Syndrome
  34. Turners Syndrome
  35. Klinefelters syndrome
  36. Edward Patau Syndrome

Short Answers

  1. Chromosomes
  2. Classification Of Chromosomes
  3. Name any four clinical features of Down’s syndrome
  4. Karyotype and any two clinical features of Klinefelter’s syndrome  
  5. Fertilization
  6. Effects of fertilization
  7. Chorion
  8. what is Notochord its formation and its fate
  9. Define implantation
  10. Name the surfaces of the placenta
  11. Occipital myotomes
  12. Sex chromosomes
  13. Oogenesis
  14. Draw a neat labeled diagram of mature graffian follicle
  15. What is the chromosomal configuration in Down syndrome?
  16. 1st pharyngeal arch(derivatives)
  17. Enumerate the derivatives of Meckel’s cartilage
  18. Name any four muscles derived from the first branchial arch
  19. Give the persistent structures of the fibrous envelope of Meckel’s cartilage
  20. Name the bony structures derived from  2nd pharyngeal arch
  21. Name any four structures derived from the second branchial arch   and Hyoid bone-development
  22. Mention the derivatives of  pharyngeal arch
  23. Derivatives of the third endodermal pouch of the pharynx
  24. Development of thymus
  25. Give the development of the superior parathyroid gland
  26. Development of thyroid gland
  27. Lingual thyroid
  28. Frontonasal process of embryo
  29. Development of upper lip
  30. Cleft lip
  31. Name four types of cleft lip
  32. Harelip
  33. Oblique facial cleft
  34. Development of palate
  35. Cleft palate
  36. Development of tooth
  37. Mention the stages of development of teeth  
  38.   Development of tongue
  39. Development of pituitary gland
  40. Give the development of tympanic membrane
  41. Mention any four derivatives of ectoderm


Short Essays

  1. Histology of spleen
  2. Histology of thymus
  3. Histology of large artery
  4. Histology of white fibro cartilage
  5. Histology of thyroid gland
  6. Histology of suprarenal gland
  7. Histology of pituitary gland
  8. Histology of palatine tonsil
  9. Histology(Microanatomy)of thin skin
  10. Histology of tongue
  11. Histology of cornea
  12. Histology of trachea
  13. Histology of pancreas
  14. Histology of parotid gland
  15. Histology of submandibular salivary gland
  16. Histology of neuron
  17. Histology of hyaline cartilage
  18. Histology of bone TS

Short Answers

  1. Barr body
  2. Haversian system
  3. Sarcomere
  4. A Structure of bone
  5. Give the histological features of skeletal muscle 
  6. Give the histological features of cardiac muscle
  7. Give the histological structures of large vein
  8. Histology of large artery
  9. Give the histological features of medium sized artery   
  10. Histology lymph node
  11. Give the histological features of hyaline cartilage
  12. Histology of elastic cartilage
  13. Histology of compact bone
  14. Give the salient histological features of thyroid gland   
  15. Structure of suprarenal gland
  16. Salient histological features of the parathyroid gland
  17. Histology of thymus
  18. Histology of palatine tonsil
  19. Give the histological features of tongue
  20. Give salient histological features of the trachea
  21. Draw labeled diagram of histology of trachea
  22. Histology of parotid gland(serous salivary gland)
  23. Structure of mixed salivary gland
  24. Histology of sublingual salivary gland
  25. Give salient histological features of olfactory epithelium    Structure of taste bud
  26. Islet’s of Langerhans
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