- Aims and objectives ,scope of pedodontics
- Definition of pediatric Dentistry
- Respiration rate
- Pedodontic treatment triangle
- Difference between deciduous and permanent tooth
- Maxillary first molar
- Mandibular first molar
- Vital statistics
- Pulp testing
- Treatment planning
- Tooth numbering symptom
- Growth assessment parameters
- Mechanism of Growth
- Definition of Growth
- Scammon’s growth curve
- Growth spurts
- Tooth eruption
- Problems during eruption of teeth
- Gum pads
- Mixed dentition period
- Ugly Duckling stage
- Self-correcting anomalies
- Sequence of eruption
- Eruption Hematoma
- Spacing in deciduous dentition
- Incisal liability
- The ugly Duckling stage
- Pulpectomy
- Difference between primary and permanent pulp
- Indirect pulp capping
- Affected vs infected Dentin
- Direct pulp capping
- Formacresol pulpotomy
- Apexogenesis
- Internal resorption
- Classification of trauma to anterior teeth
- Etiology of trauma
- Fracture involving pulp
- Avulsed tooth
- Splinting of a traumatised tooth
- Prevention of trauma during contact sports
- Definition, types of Abuse and neglect
- Injuries associated with Abuse
- Characteristics of an abused child
- Definition of defect, disability, Handicap,
- Classification of Handicapping conditions
- Congenital cardiac Disease
- Down’s syndrome
- Cerebral palsy
- Congenital cardiac Disease
- Cleft lip and palate
- Feeding plate
- Down’s syndrome
- Epilepsy
- Childhood Autism
- Blindness
- Deafness
- Hemophilia
- Leukemia
- Management of a physically Handicapped child during dental treatment
- Bite wing radiographs
- Inferior alveolar nerve
- Mandibular anaesthesia
- Extraction of teeth
- Contraindications to tooth removal
- Composition of LA solution
- Definition, classification of child behaviour
- Factors influencing child behaviour
- Communication
- Fear
- Objective fear
- Classification of child behaviour
- Factors influencing child behaviour
- Behaviour guidance techniques
- Behaviour shaping
- Modeling
- Conscious sedation
- Nitrous oxide
- Behaviour shaping
- Nitrous oxide
- Space maintenance
- Modification of band and loop space maintainers
- Serial extraction
- Cross bite management
- Planning for space maintenance
- Indications of space maintenance
- Contraindications of space maintenance
- Fixed space maintenance
- Band and loop space maintenance
- Lingual Arch space maintainers
- Distal shoe space maintainers
- Space regainers
- Fixed space regainers
- Gerber space regainer
- Bonded space maintainer
- Mouth breathing habit
- Management of thumb sucking habit
- Mouth breathing habit
- Classification of mouth breathing
- Clinical features of mouth breathing
- Diagnosis of mouth breathing
- Bruxism
- Dunlop hypothesis
- Oral screen
- Modifications of oral screen
- Self-destructive oral habits
- Early childhood caries
- Classification of caries
- Mechanism of dental caries
- Plaque
- Diet and Dental caries
- Rampant caries
- Treatment protocol for early childhood caries
- Caries detection
- Cariogram
- Caries susceptibility test
- Dental home
- Anticipatory guidance
- Etiology of caries
- Salivary buffers
- Smooth surface caries
- Rampant caries
- Definition of rampant caries
- Snyder’s test
- Classification of periodontal diseases
- Gingivitis
- Classification of gingival diseases
- Scorbutic gingivitis
- Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
- Papillon lefevre syndrome
- Resin bonded retainers
- Amelogenesis imperfecta
- Ankyloglossia
- Focal epithelial hyperplasia
- Reutz- Jegher’s syndrome
- Talons cusp
- Dens in Dente
- Taurodontism
- Mucocele
- Recurrent Aphthous stomatitis
- Sterilization or disinfection of instruments
- Chemical sterilization of instruments
- Incinerators
- Chemical disinfection
- Autoclave
- Down syndrome
- Down syndrome
- Orofacial manifestations of Down syndrome
- Cri-Du-chat syndrome
- The Decayed-missing-filled index
- School Dental nurse
- Components of a successful Dental Practice
- Prevalence rate
- Incidence rate